"If you are thirsty," said the chambermaid, "get off your horse yourself, and lie down near the water and drink. I won't be your servant."(侍女说道:“我不想下去,要是你渴了,你自己下去趴在水边喝就是了,我不再是你的侍女了。”)
She likewise assigned to her a chambermaid, who was to ride with her, and deliver her into the hands of the bridegroom.(老王后非常爱她这个孩子,给她安排了一个侍女陪同她一道前往,千叮咛,万嘱托,要侍女把她的女儿送到新郎手中。)
The chambermaid spoke little English, so her husband came with her to interpret.(那个女服务员几乎不会说英语,所以她丈夫来给她作口译。)
When I see that a little chambermaid is capable of taking on Dominique Strauss-Kahn, I tell myself I do not have the right to stay silent, "said one woman."(一名女性说:“当我看到一个小小的酒店女服务员都敢于指认卡恩,我告诉自己我没有权利保持沉默。”)
When they came to a stream of water, she again called to her chambermaid, "Dismount, and give me some water in my golden cup, " for she had long ago forgotten the girl's evil words.(好不容易来到一条河边,她忘了侍女对她的粗暴无礼,说道:「请下去用我的金盃为我舀点水来喝。」)
If the chambermaid episode was indeed a plot, it was conceived and executed with great skill and daring.(如果女服务生这个插曲确实是实现安排的,那整件事的构思和实施都是大胆且有技巧的。)
She dreaded lest the chambermaid had been mistaken.(她担心旅馆里的侍女弄错了。)
Suddenly we heard the click of a door. The chambermaid, unheard, had come in from the bathroom — the one door we'd forgotten to lock.(突然间我们听到一声门响,打扫房间的女服务员已不声不响地从我们忘记上锁的卫生间里走了进来。)
You put the "DND" sign on the knob, so the chambermaid didn't make up the room.(您把“请勿打扰”的牌子放在把手上了,所以服务员没来整理房间。)
Please allow me to send a chambermaid to your room to help you look for it again.(请允许我派一位服务员来帮您再仔细找找。)
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