英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:39:03



英 [tʃæp]

美 [tʃæp]

n. 皲裂

n. 颌; 颊

n. 小伙子; 家伙

v. 皲裂; (皮肤)变粗糙

abbr. 章(=chapter)

过去式: chapped 过去分词: chapped 现在分词: chapping 第三人称单数: chaps

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  • 家伙,小伙子,伙计,男人
  • 颌,口,口颊部,面颊,颚,颊
  • 皲,皲裂,龟裂
  • 皲裂处,龟裂处
  • 报(时)
  • 猪头肉的颚颊部分
  • 使皲裂,使龟裂
  • 皲裂,龟裂,出现皲裂,出现龟裂
  • 疼痛
  • 激怒或烦扰某人
  • (皮肤)变粗糙
  • =chapter 章
  • =Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol 挑战握手验证协议
  • [C]小伙子,小家伙;家伙 a man or boy;fellow
  • vt. & vi. (使)疼痛,变粗糙,皲裂 (cause to) become sore,rough,and cracked


1. (usually in the plural) leather leggings without a seat
joined by a belt
often have flared outer flaps
worn over trousers by cowboys to protect their legs

2. a crack in a lip caused usually by cold

3. a boy or man

e.g. that chap is your host
there's a fellow at the door
he's a likable cuss
he's a good bloke

Synonym: fellowfellerfellaladgentblightercussbloke

4. a long narrow depression in a surface

Synonym: crevicecrannycrackfissure


1. crack due to dehydration

e.g. My lips chap in this dry weather

1. 男人;男孩
A chap is a man or boy.

e.g. She thought he was a very nice chap.

2. see also: chapped

1. 龟裂:用显微镜观察弯曲面是否有镀层(plating film )起皮,剥落等现象. a) 不可有掉落金属粉末(metal powder)及补胶带粘起之现象. b) 不可有金属镀层(metal plating film)剥落之现象. c) 在底材未被折断下,折弯后不可有严重龟裂(chap)及起皮之现象.

2. chap:challenge handshake authentication protocol; 挑战握手认证协议

3. chap什么意思

3. chap:challenge handshake authentication protocol(challenge authentication protocol 盘问沟通确认协议,敌友验证协议(PPP服务器使用的),口令交换认证协议

4. chap:coralline hydroxyapatite porous; 珊瑚羟基磷灰石

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Some of the young chaps gave us a cheer as we passed.
  • I know you're a good safe chap.
  • My skin soon chapped in cold weather.
  • What sad wild fellows some of the chaps were.

  • Geography is about Maps But Biography is about Chaps.

    出自:E. C. Bentley
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He laughed an' said, "Art tha' th' delicate chap?"(他笑着说:“你是一个柔弱的小伙子吗?”)
This chap has let us down.(他这个人真不争气。)
He is just the chap to strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.(他就是那种小事精明,大事糊涂的家伙。)
How are you to-day, old chap?(老伙计,你今天好吗?)
See who it is, Mole, like a good chap, since you've finished.(莫尔,好小伙,既然你吃完了,去看看是谁来了。)
Poor little wondering chap, it reminded him of passing buckets at a fire.(可怜的小家伙,这使他想起了在火炉边传递水桶的情景。)
This chap likes to exaggerate and is good at nothing but boasting.(这个人言过其实,就会吹牛皮放大炮。)
He's the champion wrestler an' he can jump higher than any other chap an' throw th' hammer farther.(他是摔跤冠军,他可以跳得比任何其他小伙子都高,把链球扔得更远。)
He's a tall, lean chap.(他是瘦长个儿。)
Calm down, buddy [old chap]. What's the trouble?(压压气,老兄。有什么麻烦吗?)
chap是什么意思 chap在线翻译 chap什么意思 chap的意思 chap的翻译 chap的解释 chap的发音 chap的同义词