英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [kənˈdem]

美 [kənˈdɛm]


形容词: condemnable 名词: condemner 过去式: condemned 过去分词: condemned 现在分词: condemning 第三人称单数: condemns

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  • 谴责
  • 使某人注定要
  • 定(某人)罪
  • 判(某人)罪
  • 宣告
  • 宣告(患者)无法治疗
  • 宣告…完全无用
  • 决定废弃
  • 报废
  • 责备
  • 责难
  • 宣告…有罪
  • 判…刑
  • 迫使…处于(不幸的状态)
  • 宣告…不适用
  • 宣告患不治之症
  • 宣告没收
  • 充公
  • 判处
  • 迫使…接受困境
  • 宣告使用…不安全
  • 证明有罪
  • 指责
  • 宣判
  • vt. 谴责,责备 express strong disapproval
  • vt. 判罪,处刑 give judgement against
  • vt. 宣布…不能使用〔不适用〕 declare sth not to be useful or fit for


1. declare or judge unfit for use or habitation

e.g. The building was condemned by the inspector

2. express strong disapproval of

e.g. We condemn the racism in South Africa
These ideas were reprobated

Synonym: reprobatedecryobjurgateexcoriate

3. pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law

e.g. He was condemned to ten years in prison

Synonym: sentencedoom

4. demonstrate the guilt of (someone)

e.g. Her strange behavior condemned her

5. appropriate (property) for public use

e.g. the county condemned the land to build a highway

6. compel or force into a particular state or activity

e.g. His devotion to his sick wife condemned him to a lonely existence

1. 谴责;指责
If you condemn something, you say that it is very bad and unacceptable.


e.g. Political leaders united yesterday to condemn the latest wave of violence...
e.g. Graham was right to condemn his players for lack of ability, attitude and application.

2. 宣判;判处(某人刑罚)
If someone is condemned to a punishment, they are given this punishment.


e.g. He was condemned to life imprisonment.
e.g. ...appeals by prisoners condemned to death.

3. 使陷入(不愉快的境地)
If circumstances condemn you to an unpleasant situation, they make it certain that you will suffer in that way.

e.g. Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, usually poorly-paid work...
e.g. He felt condemned to being alone...

4. 正式宣布(建筑)不安全
If authorities condemn a building, they officially decide that it is not safe and must be pulled down or repaired.

e.g. State officials said the court's ruling clears the way for proceedings to condemn buildings in the area.

5. see also: condemned

1. condemn的翻译

1. 声讨:我本人,对于给个人带来两难困境的现象更为兴趣盎然;对我不能完全理解的事情,我在宽容(condone)与声讨(condemn)之间难定取舍;我将更多的精力用于令人不知所措的文化剧变的研究.

2. 非难,判罪:28 audit 查帐 | 29 condemn 非难,判罪 | 30 condone 宽恕,容忍

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    因…而鄙夷〔指责〕 have a poor opinion of (sb/sth) because of (sth bad)
    condemn sb/sth for sth

    We condemned him for his bad conduct.


    The whole town condemned the girl for her wild behaviour.


    I did not condemn him for what he had done.


    The city is condemned for its high crime rate.


  • Everyone condemned his foolish behaviour.
  • Brooks called on world opinion to condemn their policy of aggression.
  • The manager strongly condemned empty talk instead of hard work.
  • 1
  • She was unjustly condemned.
  • Murder is condemned by all reasonable people.
  • The house had been condemned because it was no longer safe.
用作动词 (v.)
  • The thief condemn'd, in law already dead.

  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • condemn的基本意思是责备或非难某人的不良行为,其批评的含义较强。condemn主要指最后的决定性的评价,所以常可用于表示“判罪”“处刑”,有时condemn也可指随意地、令人不快地评价。
  • condemn作“谴责”“责备”解时接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后常接介词for表示原因,不能接that引导的从句; 作“判罪”解时,宾语后可跟动词不定式,也常跟介词to表示宣判的结果,接介词for表示判罪的原因; 作“宣布…不能使用/不适用”解时,可接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。
  • condemn可用于被动结构。
condemn, accuse, blame, rebuke, scold
  • 这组词都含有“骂”“责怪”的意思。其区别是:
  • 1.前四个词均可指“有理由地骂〔责备〕某人”,而scold则不一定有充分的理由。例如:
  • She is always scolding.她总是骂个不停。
  • 2.blame指因出差错而受责备; condemn指某人有不好的行为而受责备; rebuke指因某人有不好的态度而责备; 而accuse多指因粗心、失信或不负责任而受指责,有时也作“控告”“谴责”解。例如:
  • It's all my fault.I'm to blame.这都是我的错,都怪我。
  • I did not condemn him for what he had done.我并没有因他的所作所为而指责他。
  • She rebuked her lawyer for his authoritarian attitude to his clients.她指责她的律师对待委托人的命令式态度。
  • They accused me of carelessness.他们指责我粗心大意。
  • 3.accuse常用于accuse sb of sth结构;而blame常用于blame sb for sth结构。
    • 近义词

    • 反义词

    • 临近词

    Obviously, he will have to condemn this [attack]. It's understandable.(不过他肯定会谴责这次(袭击),我能理解。)
    The court's ruling clears the way to condemn buildings in the area.(法院的裁决为确定这一地区的建筑物为危房扫清了障碍。)
    You simply praise or condemn artists according to their fidelity to the norm.(你只要根据他们是否忠于准绳而进行简单地赞美或者批评他们。)
    That is why he spoke out to condemn the decision.(这就是他批评这项裁决的原因。)
    Like everyone else, I deplore and condemn this killing.(我同所有人一样强烈谴责这桩凶杀案。)
    I'm not homophobic in any way and certainly don't condemn gay relationships.(我对同性恋者没有任何的憎恶,当然也就不会谴责同性恋的关系。)
    "Ah, my King," cried Hendon, colouring slightly, "do not thou condemn me—wait, and thou shalt see."(“啊,我的国王,”亨顿微微红着脸叫道,“不要谴责我——等着瞧吧。”)
    We cannot condemn him without factual evidence.(我们不能在没有真凭实据的情况下就认为他有罪。)
    What it is wrong to condemn her for is overlooking your hard work.(因为忽视你的努力工作而谴责她是不对的。)
    We need economic growth unless we condemn the world's poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone else's living standards.(经济增长是必要的,除非我们想让世界上的穷人深陷贫困的沼泽,或使其他所有人的生活水平停滞不前。)
    condemn是什么意思 condemn在线翻译 condemn什么意思 condemn的意思 condemn的翻译 condemn的解释 condemn的发音 condemn的同义词