英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 08:59:26



英 [ˈtʃesnʌt]

美 [ˈtʃɛsˌnʌt, -nət]



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  • 栗子
  • 栗色
  • 栗色马
  • 栗木
  • 栗树
  • 板栗
  • 陈词滥调
  • 【植】栗树
  • 【植】七叶树
  • 马腿内侧的角质胼胝
  • 陈腐的笑话
  • 栗子树
  • 栗毛马
  • 红棕马
  • 深红棕色
  • 老掉牙的笑话
  • 老生常谈
  • 栗色的
  • 红棕色的


1. a dark golden-brown or reddish-brown horse

2. a small horny callus on the inner surface of a horse's leg

3. the brown color of chestnuts

4. edible nut of any of various chestnut trees of the genus Castanea

5. any of several attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn
yield a hard wood and edible nuts in a prickly bur

Synonym: chestnut tree

6. wood of any of various chestnut trees of the genus Castanea


1. (of hair or feathers) of a golden brown to reddish brown color

e.g. a chestnut horse
chestnut hair

1. 栗子树
A chestnut or chestnut tree is a tall tree with broad leaves.

2. 栗子
Chestnuts are the reddish-brown nuts that grow on chestnut trees. You can eat chestnuts.

3. 栗色;红棕色
Something that is chestnut is dark reddish-brown in colour.

e.g. ...a woman with chestnut hair.
e.g. ...a chestnut mare.

4. 老掉牙的话(或故事、笑话);老一套
If you refer to a statement, a story, or a joke as an old chestnut or a hoary chestnut, you mean that it has been repeated so often that it is no longer interesting.

e.g. ...that old chestnut, the war between man and machines.

1. 栗子:由男主人用刀切成薄片分给大家. 火鸡在烘烤时要以面包作填料以吸收从中流出来的美味汁液,但烹饪技艺常因家庭和地区的不同而各异,应用什么填料也就很难求得一致. 此外,人们在餐桌上还可以吃到苹果(apple)、桔子(orange)、栗子(chestnut)、胡桃(wa

2. 粟子:至于野味中的鹿肉(Veslison)可供烧、烤、焖、烩,野兔(Hare)适合于烧、烤、焖、烩;野猪(Boar)适合焖、烩;火鸡腹中的酿馅而定,酿馅中有用洋葱和鼠尾草的,有加鸡碎什(Giblet)的,有加粟子(Chestnut)的,有加香肠(Sa

3. 栗色:★温州千百意★其它商品 商品详细尺寸 (单位皆为公分 (厘米) ,以寸测量会特别标示) 规格型号 等级 颜色 鞋跟 质地 尺码 备注 5854 1 黑色 (BLACK) 灰色 (GRAY) 粉红 (PINK) 米白=沙色 (SAND) 巧克力色 (CHOCOLATE) 栗色 (CHESTNUT) 1 皮毛一体 W5(35) W6(36),

4. 栗木:[食品工业网] 其实自罗马时代葡萄酒跟橡木桶就已经有密切关系,当时橡木桶除了可以用来保存及运送葡萄酒外,同时可以用来运送其它用品如火药等. 很多人尝试过使用其它类型的木头例如栗木(chestnut)及胡桃树(walnut)等,但是效...

5. chestnut

5. chestnut:ch.; 栗色马

6. chestnut:chatnt; 栗色马

And being weary she sat her down under a chestnut-tree to rest.(她太累了,于是在一棵栗子树下坐下来休息。)
On another occasion, the BBC was forced to apologise after he rammed a pick-up into a chestnut tree to test the vehicle's strength.(还有一次,为测试汽车的安全性,他开着一辆皮卡径直撞向了一颗栗树,后来BBC不得不出面道歉。)
Chestnut won the overtime, marking his second consecutive victory over Kobayashi.(结果,切斯特纳特在加时赛中胜出,这是他连续第二次击败小林尊夺得冠军。)
During her early modeling career Raquel Welch quickly became known for her long chestnut hair and big brown eyes.(早在她的模特生涯中拉奎尔·韦尔奇就因一头栗色长发和一双棕色大眼睛为人所知。)
The familiar chestnut, oak, and elm grew taller here, and the forest rimming the clearing appeared thick and impenetrable.(熟悉的栗树、橡树和榆树在这里长高了,空地周围的森林显得茂密而密不透风。)
It has turned into a kind of treasure hunt. We need a chestnut tree leaf, a reel of cotton and an English/Serbian speaker.(就像寻宝一样,我们需要一张核桃树叶,一卷棉花和一个英语-塞尔维亚语的翻译。)
The Golden Rule ("do unto your customers…") is an old chestnut of the marketing world.(黄金法则(“对待你的客户”)是营销界非常古老的一条法则。)
Overhead the chestnut branches were covered with blossom.(栗子树在我们头顶撑开缀满繁花的树冠。)
Each unit is constructed from a ribbed timber frame set upon Douglas fir stilts and then clad in English chestnut shingles.(每个单元均由肋木框架构筑而成,框架固定在花旗松高跷上,然后覆以英国栗木。)
In the garden, the leaves of the horse chestnut had already fallen.(园子里的七叶树已经落叶了。)
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