英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˈjə:ˈraund]

美 [ˈjɪrˈraʊnd]



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1. operating or continuing throughout the year

e.g. a year-round resort
a year-round job

Synonym: year-around

1. 全年的;整整一年的
Year-round is used to describe something that happens, exists, or is done throughout the year.


e.g. Cuba has a tropical climate with year-round sunshine.

1. year-round

1. 整年的:year-on-year 同期相比的 | year-round 整年的 | year-rounder 定居一处的人

2. year-round什么意思

2. 全年的:year-round surface 全天通车路面 | year-round 全年的 | yearly administration cost 年度管理费

3. 全年:work out 得出;有办法 | year round 全年 | yet to be ... 有待


4. 一年到头:邀请to invite | 一年到头Year round | 一趟measure word for trip

  • 近义词

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  • 临近词

Generally, the reason for such seasonal back-and-forth movement is to seek resources that aren't available within a single area year-round.(一般来说,进行这种季节性往返迁移是为了寻找在一个地区无法全年获得的资源。)
Turkey has also become a year-round food.(火鸡也同样成为了常年性食物。)
The museum is open all the year round, so visitors can pay a visit to it whenever they like.(博物馆全年开放,所以游客想什么时候来参观都可以。)
This is a good hobby because you can think all year round.(这是一个很好的嗜好,因为你一年四季都可以进行思考。)
He practiced skating all year round.(他一年四季练习滑冰。)
You can buy strawberries all year round, but at a price.(草莓一年到头都买得到,不过很贵。)
This show is open year-round and included with regular Zoo admission.(这个表演是全年开放的,包括正常的动物园门票。)
Also, our farm produces food continuously - one crop after another, all year-round.(同时,我们的农场一直会生产谷物,一个接着一个,全年不休。)
The resort is seething with tourists all year round.(这处名胜一年四季游人如织。)
The Mediterranean region is warm and sunny, and produces large supplies of fresh fruits and vegetables almost a year round that people eat many times a day.(地中海地区气候温暖、阳光充足,几乎一年到头都出产大量新鲜水果和蔬菜,这些果蔬是人们每天都要吃许多次的。)
year-round是什么意思 year-round在线翻译 year-round什么意思 year-round的意思 year-round的翻译 year-round的解释 year-round的发音 year-round的同义词