英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:42:33



英 [ʃɪˈkeɪnəri]

美 [ʃɪˈkenəri, tʃɪ-]


名词复数: chicaneries

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1. the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them)

Synonym: trickerychicaneguilewileshenanigan

1. 欺骗;诈骗
Chicanery is using cleverness to cheat people.


1. 狡辩:chicane 诈骗 | chicanery 狡辩 | chiccory 菊苣

2. 诈骗:Undeclared Hypocrisy 伪善 | Chicanery 诈骗 | Impending 迫近的

3. 强辩:bowdlerize 修订; 删改 | chicanery 强辩 | chromosome 染色体

4. 哄骗 欺骗:endemic 地方性的 某地特有的 地方病' | chicanery 哄骗 欺骗 | political and judical system 政治和司法系统

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Why are you give me so much chicanery as a explanation?(你为什么给我那么多狡辩的解释?。)
A lot of psychology is charlatanry, chicanery. It would profit from more science and less "ism" and wishful thinking.(很多的心理学理论简直就是欺骗,因为我们更多的是从“科学”得到帮助,而不是各种“理论”和痴心妄想。)
To resort to tricks or subterfuges; use chicanery.(对…施用诡计或玩花招;用圈套。)
I'm too an at using chicanery to accomplish my mission.(我尤其善用诡计,从而圆满完成任务。)
We watch this grand chicanery play out and have taken note of just how callous these media types really are.(当我们看到大诈骗被说出来,就会注意到这些类型媒体的冷酷的面孔。)
This chicanery can range from relatively benign but useless efforts to overly aggressive promotion to outright fraud.(这样的欺骗手段可以相对无害地提升排名,但是这种急功近利地推销无疑是一种欺诈行为,是无用之功。)
The boss gave chicanery that didn't know when my son and his classmate went into the bar, but in fact, my son and his classmate could be permitted into the bar only after handing some money.(网吧老板狡辩说他们不知道儿子和他的同学什么时候进去的,而其实,儿子他们是交了钱才能进去。)
They may yet turn up some chicanery.(他们也许不过是一些强词夺理。)
They experienced adolescence, developed powerful mother-and-child bonds, and used political chicanery to get what they wanted.(他们经历青春期,有紧密的母子关系,为了得到想要的东西耍狡猾的花招。)
"I 'm very worried about chicanery," Schneidersays.(施奈德说:“我很担心这些诡辩。”)
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