英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:43:48

chinese cabbage

英 [tʃaɪˈni:z ˈkæbidʒ]

美 [tʃaɪˈniz ˈkæbɪdʒ]


  • 网络解释

1. Chinese cabbage的反义词

1. 白菜:以前我还特意让我爸从国内带了一些白菜 (Chinese cabbage) 的种子过来,可惜种到土里都没有发芽. 最后只能在花园里种几株蒜苗聊以自慰, 谁知最后还被来除草的房东给一股脑地剪掉了, 可惜呀,可恨!除却上面提到的几种蔬菜,

2. 白菜,青菜:celery芹菜 | Chinese cabbage白菜,青菜 | Chinese eddo芋艿

3. 大白菜,绍菜:chillies 辣椒 | Chinese cabbage大白菜,绍菜 | Chinese leaves 生菜

Green leafy vegetables, like broccoli and Chinese cabbage, are also calcium-rich.(绿叶蔬菜,如花椰菜和大白菜,也都富含钙质。)
A dish of poached tiny Chinese cabbage in broth to finish our meal was quite addictive.(最后以一道上汤奶白菜收尾,真是过瘾。)
Some foods, such as goat meat and spinach, are seen as "hot", while others, such as Chinese cabbage and radish, are seen as "cold".(一些像羊肉和菠菜之类的食物,被视为“热性”食物,其它如大白菜及小红萝卜等,则被视为“凉性”食物。)
So spectrum conversion film remarkably increased yield and improved quality of Chinese cabbage.(转光膜处理的春大白菜生长势显著增强,产量提高,品质改善。)
We have a lot of Chinese cabbage in store for the winter.(我们已经储存了大量的大白菜过冬。)
The growth of roots of seedlings can be promoted by the sub stances from Chinese cabbage roots.(白菜根系内含物对剌槐实生苗根系生长有显著促进作用。)
Some non-dairy sources include Chinese cabbage, kale, broccoli, and calcium-fortified orange juice.(其他非乳制品,包括白菜,甘蓝,花椰菜,强化橙汁在内,也能提供丰富的钙质。)
The nitrate content of Chinese cabbage organ was: petiole (stem)> leaves> root.(小白菜器官中硝酸盐含量表现为:叶柄(茎)﹥叶片﹥根。)
Do you want white cabbage or Chinese cabbage?(你要卷心菜还是大白菜?)
Chinese cabbage, spinach radish and potato are vegetable, we eat theirs root, stem, leaf or fruit.(白菜,菠菜,萝卜,土豆都是菜,有的吃根,有的吃筋,有的可以吃叶子,有的还可以吃果子。)
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