英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 09:05:12



英 [ˈtʃɪpmʌŋk]

美 [ˈtʃɪpˌmʌŋk]

n.[动] 花栗鼠


  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 【动】花栗鼠
  • 花鼠属
  • 花鼠(栖于北美属松鼠科)
  • 花栗鼠[北美产]


1. a burrowing ground squirrel of western America and Asia
has cheek pouches and a light and dark stripe running down the body

1. 花鼠;花栗鼠
A chipmunk is a small animal with a large furry tail and a striped back.

1. chipmunk的解释

1. 花栗鼠:亚洲黑熊悬挂在树上,花栗鼠(chipmunk)努力猎食,梅花鹿(spotted sika deer)则前往海滨吃海草. 因为空旷地带出现梅花鹿,引来当地的大型掠食动物西.....

2. 金花鼠:熊(Bear)、臭鼬(skunk)、金花鼠(chipmunk)和负鼠(opossum)在冬季休眠,但是它们有时候会醒来进食. 在睡眠时,它们用尽体脂肪,但是体温几乎保持正常,这一点和冬眠动物不一样. 夏眠(Estivation)和冬眠季节相反. 夏眠在夏季发生,在那个时候,

3. chipmunk

3. 花鼠;花栗鼠:克莱兹代尔马 Clydesdale | 花鼠;花栗鼠 chipmunk | 岩羚羊;山羚 chamois

4. 花栗鼠(在图中找像松鼠一类的小动物即可):Gold coin 金币 | Chipmunk 花栗鼠(在图中找像松鼠一类的小动物即可) | Balloon 气球

  • 临近词

  • Chipmunks
  • Chipmunk passed out the cups.
  • chirp
  • Chipmunks are native to America.
  • Chipmunk juggled the cups.
  • chip
Now I wonder if the chipmunk is going to visit me in a nightmare, but I don't think it will.(现在我不知道花栗鼠会不会到噩梦里找我,但是我想不会。)
The chipmunk population increased strikingly due to two successive years of abundant acorn crops in the forest.(金花鼠数量显著地增加,是因为森林里连续两年丰硕的橡子收成。)
Well, you know what a canadian chipmunk looks like?(那你知道一只加拿大花栗鼠长什么样儿的吗?)
In Vladimir Nabokov’s [3] memoir, “Speak, Memory”, he describes coming upon a cat torturing a chipmunk.(弗拉基米尔•纳博科夫[5]在其回忆录《诉说吧,记忆》中叙述了自己偶遇一只猫正折磨一只花栗鼠时的场景。)
He unrolled a color poster. On the right was a "before" picture-a blowup of a baseball card showing me as a young player, a large wad of chewing tobacco bulging chipmunk-fashion in my left cheek.(他打开一张彩色海报,右边是一张“老”照片,一张我的球员证的放大照片,照片上的我是一名年轻的棒球球员,有一大块口嚼烟鼓起在我的左面颊,看起来我就像一只正在嚼食的金花鼠。)
The idea of a 50 gram cute, tiny and fluffy chipmunk with its adorable curly tail drinking from a baby bottle is enough to warm even the coldest hearts.(一个50克重的可爱的,小巧的,毛茸茸的金花鼠,还有一个讨人喜欢的卷毛大尾巴,捧着一个婴儿奶瓶在喝水,这个想法恐怕足够的温暖一个最冰冷的心。)
There is often confusion between rigid bodies and their collision shapes in Chipmunk and how they relate to sprites.(人们常常混淆这刚体,冲突和精灵的关系。)
It would have been a perfect run if it hadn't been for the chipmunk that Ifound on the road.(要不是路遇花栗鼠,本来会是一次很完美的长跑。)
Chipmunk passed out the cups.(小花栗鼠给大家发杯子。)
The picture featured a cartoon rendering of the fan’s face on top of the company’s logo of a cute chipmunk.(这些画像是印在公司非常可爱的花栗鼠标志上。)
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