英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈkærəktəraɪz]

美 [ˈkærəktəˌraɪz]

vt.表示 ... 的典型;赋予 ... 特色

名词: characterizer 过去式: characterized 过去分词: characterized 现在分词: characterizing 第三人称单数: characterizes

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • vt. 是…的特征,以…为特征 be characteristic of
  • vt. 描述(人或物)的特性,描绘 describe the character


1. describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of

e.g. You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist
This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover

Synonym: qualifycharacterise

2. be characteristic of

e.g. What characterizes a Venetian painting?

Synonym: characterise

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 characterise

1. 使具有特点
If something is characterized by a particular feature or quality, that feature or quality is an obvious part of it.

e.g. This election campaign has been characterized by violence...
e.g. A bold use of colour characterizes the bedroom.

2. 描绘;描述
If you characterize someone or something as a particular thing, you describe them as that thing.

e.g. Both companies have characterized the relationship as friendly...
e.g. This play is characterized as a comedy.

I don't fully agree with that characterization of the welfare system.

1. characterize什么意思

1. 特性化:智能变送器与普通模拟变送器工作的不同之处最主要是在于智能变送器是被特性化(Characterize)了的. 进行特性化程序时,将变送器传感器的输出值与输入压力值进行比较,并将比较数据存入变送器的E2PROM中,变送器在工作时,则利用这些数据,

2. 以......为特色:censor 审查 | characterize 以......为特色 | charge 收费

3. 以. . . 为特色的:Attach 赋予粘上 | Characterize 以. . . 为特色的 | Charge 收费

4. 特性化;特征化:characterization parameter 特征化参数,特性参数 | characterize 特性化;特征化 | charcoal 木炭

  • 常用例句

  • An interest in people's deepest feelings characterizes all her writings.
  • 1
  • The education system there is characterized by an emphasis on success in exams.
  • 词语用法

  • characterize作“以…为特征”解时,常用于被动结构; 作“描述,描绘”解时,常用于“characterize+ n./pron. +as n./adj. ”结构。
  • characterize在英式英语中又作characterise。
How do you characterize the leadership style?(你如何刻划领导层的类型?)
Text analysis can extract a set of keywords that characterize the document.(文本分析可以抽取出一组代表文档特征的关键词。)
Blandford says two primary parameters characterize black holes.(布兰德福德认为有两个主要的参数控制着黑洞的特性。)
Again, you can package Storyboards into a top-level package that you can characterize using the stereotype.(再一次说明,您能够将情节串联图板打包到一个顶层包之中,您可以使用模板来刻画它。)
I would characterize the market as resilient and successful and with a clear growth potential.(我认为这个市场是强韧的和成功的,并具有明显的增长潜力。)
They're the same in a few ways, too -- the ways that characterize polyphasic sleep, as I know it.(他们在一些方面也是一样的--就我所知,多相睡眠的特征方面。)
How would you characterize them?(你会如何描述他们?)
People leave different traces and characterize their surroundings in different ways.(人们在世界上留下各种各样的痕迹,用不同的方式改变他们周围的环境。)
Identify and characterize the participants (entities) and their actions (activities).(标识并确定参与者(实体)及其操作(活动)的特征。)
Such plain beauty is the right thing to characterize Chinese culture.(这样质朴的美丽很好的表达了中国文化的特点。)
characterize是什么意思 characterize在线翻译 characterize什么意思 characterize的意思 characterize的翻译 characterize的解释 characterize的发音 characterize的同义词