英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:47:07



英 [ˈsɪndə(r)]

美 [ˈsɪndɚ]


形容词: cindery 过去式: cindered 过去分词: cindered 现在分词: cindering 第三人称单数: cinders

  • 英英释义

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1. a fragment of incombustible matter left after a wood or coal or charcoal fire

Synonym: clinker

1. 煤渣:cim 计算机一体化制造 | cinder 煤渣 | cine camera 电影摄影机


2. 炉渣:cillery 叶饰 | cinder 炉渣 | cinder aggregate 矿渣骨料

3. 煤渣, 灰烬:ashes灰烬,骨灰,尸体,文化遗址 | cinder煤渣,灰烬 | repristination恢复原状

I think my wife packed a cinder block in there.(我想我太太一定是在里面放了煤块。)
An hour under one of those things and you'd be just a cinder.(在这种东西下照一个小时,你就变成灰了。)
One May evening, Waldo and I sat on the lawn in front of the cinder block house.(在一个五月的晚上,我和沃尔多坐在一座煤渣砖房前的草地上。)
But he took off his sweater and they began jogging slowly around the cinder track.(不过,他还是脱了厚毛衣,两人开始沿煤渣跑道慢慢地晃着跑起来。)
You've burnt my toast to a cinder!(你把我的面包烤焦了!)
Throw out dry cinder.(倾倒出的干渣。)
The new structure faces south and looks towards a restored sauna built from cinder block.(新建筑朝向南侧,可以看到从煤渣块改造的蒸汽浴室。)
Alongside the Lotus Pond runs a small cinder footpath.(沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。)
Computers and other equipment share space with a treadmill and stationary bikes in a room of painted cinder block.(计算机和其他设备以及跑步机和固定自行车在一个粉刷过空心砖的房间里共用一片地方。)
Having more than enough noise cover, Michael kicks on the cinder blocks, and breaks through to the other side.(有了足够的喧闹声掩饰,Michael踢破了砖块,通到了墙的另一面。)
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