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副词: circadianly

  • 英英释义

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1. of or relating to biological processes occurring at 24-hour intervals

e.g. circadian rhythms

1. 昼夜节律:谈到了两种节律,昼夜节律(circadian)和以年为周期的节律(circannian),主要是前者. 动物活动都有严格的节律性. 节律的确定与生存关系紧密. 比如rodent类容易被捕食,所以选择昼伏夜出(nocturnal),不担心被捕猎的动物则昼出夜伏(diurnal).

2. 生理节奏的:circa 大约大约 | circadian 生理节奏的 | circinate 漩涡状的

3. 近日节律:血压昼夜节律变化:circadian rhythm of blood pressure | 近日节律:circadian | 昼夜节律:circadian


4. 生物钟节奏:气韵:rhythm | 生物钟节奏:circadian | 昼夜节律:circadian rhythms

Such a rhythm whose period is approximately—but not exactly—a day is called circadian.(这种以近似于——但不完全是——一天为周期的节律,叫做昼夜节律。)
What to do: If you suspect you have a circadian rhythm disorder, take steps to get your body onto a regular sleep schedule.(如何做:如果你推测你有生理节奏失调症状,采取有规律的睡眠时间的措施。)
More important, these regions included the suprachiasmatic area, which is home to the body's circadian clock.(更重要的是,这些区域包括掌管生物钟的视交叉上核。)
New experiments on mice have found that a particular gene called per1 fires our circadian rhythm.(通过在实验鼠身上的实验,科学家发现一种名为per1的基因能控制身体节律。)
Light will only stimulate your brain’s day/night balance (circadian cycle).(光只能打破你的日夜平衡,导致生物钟紊乱。)
And that light pollution could_3_our circadian rhythms, which control not only sleep, but metabolism.(而生理节奏不仅控制着人们的睡眠,还控制着人们的新陈代谢。)
This is a benign variation within circadian rhythms known as a chronotype.(这是一种被称为睡眠类型的昼夜节律的良性变化。)
The other technique experts advise is to stimulate your circadian rhythms with bright light and exercise during the day.(其他技术专家建议采用强光来刺激生物节奏和白天锻炼的方法。)
Regular mealtimes, not just regular sleep times, help regulate our circadian rhythms.(不仅是有规律的睡眠时间,有规律的饮食时间也对调节我们的生理节奏有帮助。)
For different individual horseshoe crabs, the circadian period ranged from 22.2 to 25.5 hours.(对于不同的鲎来说,其生理节奏的周期范围在22.2小时到25.5小时之间。)
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