英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [saɪt]

美 [saɪt]


形容词: citable 过去式: cited 过去分词: cited 现在分词: citing 第三人称单数: cites

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 例证
  • 引文
  • 传讯
  • 引用
  • 列举
  • 引述
  • 援引
  • 表彰
  • 传讯
  • 传令嘉奖
  • 举出
  • 表扬
  • 想起
  • 举(例)
  • 说到
  • 【律】传讯
  • 召集
  • 发动
  • 【军】传令嘉奖
  • 引…为证
  • 提及(原因)
  • 举出(示例)
  • 引证
  • 举例
  • 嘉奖
  • 传唤
  • 例证
  • 褒扬
  • vt. 举例子 give or mention as an example
  • vt. 引用 quote a passage, book or author, especially as an authority
  • vt. 嘉奖 mention as worthy of praise
  • vt. 传唤 give a summon to (sb)


1. a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage

e.g. the student's essay failed to list several important citations
the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book
the article includes mention of similar clinical cases

Synonym: citationacknowledgmentcreditreferencementionquotation


1. call in an official matter, such as to attend court

Synonym: summonsummons

2. advance evidence for

Synonym: adduceabduce

3. commend

e.g. he was cited for his outstanding achievements

Synonym: mention

4. repeat a passage from

e.g. He quoted the Bible to her

Synonym: quote

5. refer to for illustration or proof

e.g. He said he could quote several instances of this behavior

Synonym: quote

6. make reference to

e.g. His name was mentioned in connection with the invention

Synonym: mentionadvertbring upnamerefer

7. refer to

e.g. he referenced his colleagues' work

Synonym: reference

1. (尤指作为例证)引用,援引,提及
If you cite something, you quote it or mention it, especially as an example or proof of what you are saying.

e.g. She cites a favourite poem by George Herbert...
e.g. He cites just one example...

2. (在案件中)指名,引证
To cite a person means to officially name them in a legal case. To cite a reason or cause means to state it as the official reason for your case.

e.g. They cited Alex's refusal to return to the marital home...
e.g. Three admirals and a top Navy civilian will be cited for failing to act on reports of sexual assaults.

3. 传唤;传讯
If someone is cited, they are officially ordered to appear before a court.


e.g. The judge ruled a mistrial and cited the prosecutors for outrageous misconduct.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 be summonsed


1. 引用:巧妙记英语单词_形近词趣味串记汇总(二)同~ite串记:引用(cite)风筝(kite)叮咬(bite)的位置(site). 同~ing串记:国王(king)长翅膀(wing...巧妙记英语单词_形近词趣味串记汇总 (一)同-eed:喂(feed)养(breed)行为(deed)确实(indeed)需要(need)芦苇(reed)种子(seed)加杂草(weed)...

2. cite在线翻译

2. 引证:当你能引证(cite)我所给你的那段断言,并且在你的内心和心智里知道,你已经如实地这样生活了有几个月,也许是几年,的一段时间了的时候,你就将可以清澈地接取到你所追求的〝遗传心智〞了.

3. cite的反义词

3. cite:computer integrated test equipment; 计算机综合测试设备

4. cite:council of institute of telecommunication engineers; 电信工程师协会理事会

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    因…传讯 give a summon to sb for sth
  • He cited another example.
  • Can you cite another case like this one?
  • As a proof of this I may cite several facts.
  • It's no use citing the Bible to someone who doesn't believe in God.
  • He cited another example to illustrate his point of view.
  • He cited examples in order to certify his statement.
  • 1
  • These lines are cited from a poem by Li Bai.
  • The changes in cancer survival statistics are cited in a 100-pages report.
  • The brave soldier was cited in official reports.
  • Most of the units were cited according to their merits.
  • He was cited in a murder case.
用作动词 (v.)
  • I cite the whole three verses.

  • He cited Ovid as having said this, and Meleager that, in praise of a fine head of hair.

    出自:R. Graves
  • After announcing this new industrial plan the White Paper cited the need for skilled labour.

    出自:J. F. Kennedy
  • The poem's last linesssometimes cited as a memorable evocation of urban violence.

    出自:I. Hamilton
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • cite的基本意思是“引用”或“举例”。指引用权威的理论或言论来支持自己的论点或供他人参考,也指举出实例或强有力的证据来作为自己论点的论据和证明。
  • cite是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。
  • cite接介词for可作“传令嘉奖”或“传讯”解。
cite, quote, repeat
  • 这组词都有“引用”的意思。它们的区别是:quote指引用原文或别人的原话、文章,也指摘引别人的内容或意思,并且说明出处,可以是为了证明自己的论点,也可以是为达到修饰特殊效果; cite指为了证明自己的论点或某一特定的原因而引证别人的话或词句; repeat只指重复别人的话或词句,不注明出处。 例如:
  • I'll just cite some figures for comparison.我要引用一些数字作个比较。
  • He quoted his own experiences in Mongolia and India.他提出他在蒙古和印度的经历作为引证。
  • The statement has been uncritically repeated by other writers.这些话已为其他一些作家不加鉴别地反复引用。
    • 近义词

    • 临近词

    It is important to cite examples to support your argument.(用实例来证明你的论点是重要的。)
    That is a strong argument, but half the world can cite it.(这是个有力的论点,但是半个世界都能以此为借口。)
    There are the parents who cite their own children's hectic schedules as anecdotal proof that the data are nonsense.(有些父母以自己孩子密密麻麻、目不暇接的日程表为依据,来说明那些数据是胡扯。)
    It did not cite a source.(但消息并未引用消息来源。)
    Many venture capitalists cite a lack of “exit options”.(许多风投资本家援引“出口选择”的缺乏来解释。)
    When experts cite possible harm from the commercialization of laser enrichment, they often point to Iran.(当专家列举激光浓缩商业化可能带来的危害时,他们常常指向伊朗。)
    She can cite a docket of cases of endless separation.(她能说出许多无限期分居案例的案卷摘要。)
    It would be an endless task to cite such living examples.(这样的实例举不胜举。)
    Why do judges cite Shakespeare or Kafka?(法官有什么必要引用莎士比亚或卡夫卡呢?)
    The officials didn't cite particular reports.(官员们没有引用特定的报道。)
    cite是什么意思 cite在线翻译 cite什么意思 cite的意思 cite的翻译 cite的解释 cite的发音 cite的同义词