The ghost town gave us a clammy feeling.(鬼城给我们令人不安的感觉。)
Daybreak found us on a cold, clammy ship.(天亮时我们发现自己呆在一条冰冷黏湿的船上。)
Edwin's disbelief, incomprehension, his face wrecked and she couldn't leave fast enough, so full of dread that he'd take one more clammy step closer.(由于埃德温不信任,不理解,他脸色阴沉,她无法立即走开,他往前走近一部,表情阴冷,充满恐惧。)
His skin felt cold and clammy.(他的皮肤摸上去冷冰冰湿乎乎的。)
When the bowls had been cleared away, theboatmen who felt cold or tired out spread their bedding on the deck and burrowed into theirstiff, clammy quilts which they had laid out like tubing.(收拾碗盏后,就莫不在舱板上摊开了被盖,把身体钻进那个预先卷成一筒又冷又湿的硬棉被里去休息。)
My shirt was clammy with sweat.(我的衬衣沾满了汗,又粘又湿。)
Now, for the first time, the deep stillness of the place laid a clammy hand upon the spirits of the children.(这时,平生第一次两个孩子感到这寂静的山洞里好像有冰冷的魔掌攫取了他俩的灵魂。)
My clothes felt wet and clammy and I slapped my arms to keep the circulation going.(我的衣服又湿又沾,我拍打着臂膀,叫血流通。)
Since the Kaminoans were the only inhabitants of a watery world, they were also given secondary aquatic characteristics, most notably the fish-like fin-crest and the clammy pale skin.(由于卡米诺人是一个水世界的唯一居民,因此他们也被赋予了额外的水生动物特征,其中最显著的是像鱼一样的鳍冠和潮湿苍白的皮肤。)
My shirt stuck to the clammy sweat on my back.(衬衫贴到我汗津津的背上。)
clammy是什么意思 clammy在线翻译 clammy什么意思 clammy的意思 clammy的翻译 clammy的解释 clammy的发音 clammy的同义词