英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:50:15


英 [ˌklæsɪ'kælɪtɪ]

美 [ˌklæsə'kælətɪ]


  • 网络解释

1. 古典:classicalism 古典主义 | classicality 古典 | classically 古典主义地

2. 古典, 古典的学识:classicalism /古典主义/ | classicality /古典/古典的学识/ | classically /古典主义地/拟古地/

3. 古典的学识:classicalismclassicism 古典主义 | classicality 古典的学识 | classicallanguage 古典语言

The magnificent, luxurious, festival and elegant Chinese meal hall combines the Chinese classicality with the modern architecture.(以中式古典特色与现代建造的中餐厅,装饰瑰丽豪华、喜庆,环境安闲幽雅。)
Innovation, classicality and humanity are characteristics of the architecture of humanism in Renaissance.(创新性、古典性和人文性是文艺复兴时期人文主义建筑的主要特点。)
The fourth part, from the Angle of accepting aesthetics, I dissertates his inheriting and recreation of classicality, especially analyze his recreation through and.(第四部分从接受美学的角度论述芥川对古典的继承和再创造。)
Tea pot from China. classicality and beauty .(来自中国的紫砂壶,古典而优美。)
The coir raincoat, however, still sleeps deeply in classicality.(而蓑衣却依然沉睡在古典中。)
Traits: She has ruby, purity, fragrant, it's an aperitif with classicality perfume.(品鉴:宝石红色,口感纯正,芳香清新,是一款带有古典香味的开胃葡萄酒。)
The game introduce: the interface of the powder classicality be all person of the style of writing of gold seeing all of them be who?(游戏介绍:粉古典的界面,都是金庸笔下的人物,看看他们都是谁?)
The fitments in our country have a lot of pattern and style. They are of Chinese style and Western-style, classicality style and modem style.(我国的家具品种及其式样风格是中式与西式互映,古典与现代共荣。)
Results show that the proposed method can make up for the disadvantages of other methods in the structural analysis of classicality fitment.(结果表明,该方法可以弥补其他方法的不足之处,从而对古典家具的结构进行定量分析。)
Second topic : enjoyness - silver and light purple , cyan and light blue , it is the combination of classicality and romantic.(第二主题:享乐银灰与淡紫,靛青色与月光蓝,那是古典与浪漫的融合,享乐与欢娱的归宿。)
classicality是什么意思 classicality在线翻译 classicality什么意思 classicality的意思 classicality的翻译 classicality的解释 classicality的发音 classicality的同义词