HE should be clean-shaven, good-looking and drive a silver Mercedes. And, most important of all, he should be more than 178cm.(他必须刮光胡子、长相要英俊,最好再开一辆银色奔驰。最重要的是:身高至少要有。)
Uncle Andrew was tall and very thin. He had a long clean-shaven face with a sharply-pointed nose and extremely bright eyes and a great tousled mop of grey hair.(安德鲁舅舅又高又瘦,一头灰发零乱不堪,刮得干干净净的长脸上长着尖削的鼻子和一双贼亮的眼睛。)
He is clean shaven, with a pencil-thin moustache.(他的面颊刮的很干净,留着笔尖形的小胡子。)
Edmund paramor was a medium-sized and upright man of seventy, whose brown face was perfectly clean-shaven.(埃特孟派拉玛是一个中等身材,腰背笔直的七十岁老人,他那褐色面孔上的胡子刮得精光。)
In Rome, a now clean-shaven Jack meets with his boss, a stern white-haired gentleman who tells him to drive to a small Italian town to await further instructions.(在罗马,已经刮得下巴锃亮的杰克见到了他的老板,他是一个花白胡子的冷硬的绅士,他让杰克驱车前往一个意大利小城等待下一步指示。)
In fact, in the top 10, only two of the stars were clean-shaven, Tom Hiddleston and Matt Bomer.(事实上,前十名中只有两位男星是不留胡须的——汤姆·希德勒斯顿和马特•波莫。)
This Benjy was a young, clean-shaven creature, whose face and voice and manner were a perfect blend of steel and geniality.(彭杰是一个胡子刮得精光的小伙子,他的面貌、声调和态度是斩钉截铁和春风迎人两种气概的完美混杂物。)
Comfortably perched, as always, Jarlaxle had the chair leaning way back, his slender hands clasped behind his clean-shaven head so unusual for a drow!(贾拉索舒适地坐在椅子上,懒洋洋地靠在椅背上,双手交叉报在他刮得干干净净的脑袋后面(这个发型对卓尔精灵来说可是绝无仅有的!))
As far as I can recall, he was clean-shaven. When?(至少我记得他是不留胡子的那是什么时候?)
He cannot fall, and he senses a figure in orange garments, with a clean-shaven head and large spectacles coming toward him.(随后他感到一个人向他走来,他穿着黄色长袍,脑袋剃得干干净净,戴着一副大眼镜。)
clean-shaven是什么意思 clean-shaven在线翻译 clean-shaven什么意思 clean-shaven的意思 clean-shaven的翻译 clean-shaven的解释 clean-shaven的发音 clean-shaven的同义词