英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈklɪəli]

美 [ˈklɪrli]


比较级:more clearly最高级:most clearly

  • 详情解释

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  • 清楚地,清晰地
  • 显然地,明白地,易懂地,明显地
  • 明亮地,明净地
  • 明确地,无疑地
  • 条理清楚地,一目了然地,明朗地
  • 十分,完全,透彻
  • 干脆利落地


1. without doubt or question

e.g. they were clearly lost
history has clearly shown the folly of that policy

2. clear to the mind
with distinct mental discernment

e.g. it's distinctly possible
I could clearly see myself in his situation

Synonym: distinctly

3. in an intelligible manner

e.g. the foreigner spoke to us quite intelligibly

Synonym: intelligiblyunderstandably

4. in an easily perceptible manner

e.g. could be seen clearly under the microscope
She cried loud and clear

Synonym: clear


1. 清楚地:瑞士资源集团(CRG) 岗位评价因素2、关键业绩指标(KPI)的提炼沟通(COMMUNICATE)的黄金原则C--清楚地(CLEARLY)表达你的要求/指令O--公开(OPEN)讨论M--记录(MAKE)U--评论(UMPIRE)这些信息N--不要(NEVER)假设C--跟踪 (CHASE)反映

2. 清楚:第十条:人与人之间最困难的事情是相互信任,但信任在孩子之间却最容易实现,因为他们的沟通方式很容易让对方理解彼此需要什么,所以简洁(simple)、清楚(clearly)、重点突出(focus)的沟通是最好的沟通.

3. clearly什么意思

3. 更难得还能表述:能写出这么长的story | 更难得还能表述clearly | 促使我重新再背vocabulary

  • 经典引文

  • The top of the mountain rose clearly above us.

    出自:J. Tyndall
  • The moment of his mother's arrival was never clearly ascertained.

    出自:H. James
  • I remember that very clearly.

    出自:G. Vidal
  • It was clearly visiting time in the wards.

    出自:I. McEwan
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.clearly

It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment, high status has just the opposite effect on us.

这清楚地表明, 讨人喜欢可以带给我们良好的适应能力, 而高地位对我们的影响恰恰相反。


高考真题例句 OG 1.clearly

When Dennis Williams received a text that clearly wasn't intended for him, he did something necessary.

当丹尼斯·威廉姆斯收到一条显然不是给他的短信时, 他做了一些必要的事情。


The facts are clearly stated in the report.(报道对事实真相作了清楚的说明。)
They have clearly embraced Western consumerism.(很明显他们已经接受了西方的消费主义观念。)
His remarks were clearly not displeasing to her.(他的话显然并没使她不快。)
Clearly this is a potentially dangerous situation.(显然这是一种具有潜在危险的局势。)
It was clearly an elaborately planned operation.(这显然是一次经过周密策划的行动。)
Her speech was slurred—she was clearly drunk.(她说话含混不清—她显然是喝醉了。)
The damage is clearly the work of vandals.(这毁损显然是些恣意破坏公物的人所为。)
His sharp retort clearly made an impact.(他的尖锐反驳显然起了作用。)
That was clearly a deep mystical experience.(那显然是一次刻骨铭心的神秘经历。)
My remarks clearly nettled her.(我的话显然惹恼了她。)
clearly是什么意思 clearly在线翻译 clearly什么意思 clearly的意思 clearly的翻译 clearly的解释 clearly的发音 clearly的同义词