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更新时间:2024-09-19 17:32:34
  • 英英释义

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1. a seam of coal


1. 煤层:coal sampling 煤炭取样 | coal seam 煤层 | coal separator 选煤机

2. 煤层(炭层):煤层;炭层 coal bed | 煤层(炭层) coal-seam | 煤底土 coal seat


3. 厚煤層:Pest有害的動物,害蟲;有害的植物 | Coal seam厚煤層 | individuals matter個體問題

It is difficult to evaluate the coal seam exploitation geological technology quantitatively which belongs to the qualitative questions.(传统的评价方法很难对煤层开采地质工艺性这一定性问题进行定量评价。)
Factors affected coal seam permeability change and its law is analyzed.(分析了煤层透气性变化的影响因素及变化规律。)
From Hales method, reversed refracted wave method shows accuracy and efficiency in detecting the thickness of remained coal seam.(以哈尔·斯法为例,将相遇折射波法用于剩余煤厚探测中,具有精确、高效、快速的特点。)
The study on coal lithostructures is of great significance for predicting the permeability of coal seam.(煤岩结构的研究在预测煤层的渗透性方面有重要意义。)
Exploration evaluation coal seam gas is a base of coal seam gas exploration and developing.(煤层气的勘探评价,是开展煤层气勘探与开发工作的基础。)
The organization of construction and application result of metal net support in thick coal seam mining are introduced.(介绍了厚煤层回采巷道中锚网(索)支护的施工组织及应用效果分析。)
The structural deformation is the principal geological factor that affects the thickness variation of coal seam on a mine field scale.(构造作用是控制井田范围内煤层厚度变化的主要地质因素。)
Due to the coal seam particularity in Shendong Coal Mine, cracks appear at the radial seat of Eickoff SL500 shearer.(由于神东矿区煤层的特殊性,在使用艾柯夫公司SL500型采煤机时,摇臂座出现了裂缝。)
So it is feasible used the logging data to forecast coal seam gas content, and the applied value is enhance further.(证明用测井资料预测煤层瓦斯含量是可行的,从而进一步加强了测井资料的实际应用价值。)
The average coal seam here is three feet thick.(这里的煤层平均为3英尺厚。)
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