英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 ['kəʊdʒənsɪ]

美 [ˈkodʒənsɪ]


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1. the quality of being valid and rigorous

Synonym: validityrigorrigour

2. persuasive relevance

1. 说服力:cofigurative culture 共塑文化 | cogency 说服力 | cogitable 可思考的

2. 力量:cog 嵌齿 | cogency 力量 | cogent 强有力的

3. cogency

3. 肯切:cogelled 共凝胶的 | cogency 肯切 | cogencyrelevance 中肯

4. cogency是什么意思

4. 力量/肯切/中肯:cogelled /共凝胶的/ | cogency /力量/肯切/中肯/ | cogeneration /废热发电/

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Violence is more cogency than me, I think.(我想武力比我更有说服力。)
It must reach a certain level of cogency and seriousness.(其必须到达到一定程度的说服力和严肃性。)
The film makes its points with cogency and force.(该影片强有力地阐明了主旨。)
Recently, the argument has come under serious scrutiny, with many influential philosophers unconvinced of its cogency.(最近,辩论已经受认真的细察影响,带有它的有说服力的使人不信服的很多有影响力的哲学家。)
There is the problem with the very cogency of the idea itself.(这个概念本身的中肯性,也存在着问题。)
While we fret about the decreasing cogency of public debate, computers dismiss linear argument and promote fast, shallow romps across the information landscape.(当我们对辩论中说服力的下降感到苦恼时,计算机消除了线性论据,而代之以快捷、浅显的信息表达。)
Participation in discussion is essential to the life of the class and the force and cogency of students' remarks will have a marked influence on grades.(参与分组讨论是基本的上课方式,并且也是评量同学成绩的标准之一。)
Still. the underlying reasons for it have some cogency.(欧盟委员会建议的背后还有一些深层次的原因。)
cogency是什么意思 cogency在线翻译 cogency什么意思 cogency的意思 cogency的翻译 cogency的解释 cogency的发音 cogency的同义词