英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:02:40



英 [ˈkɒmɪkl]

美 [ˈkɑ:mɪkl]


副词: comically 名词: comicality

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1. arousing or provoking laughter

e.g. an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls
an amusing fellow
a comic hat
a comical look of surprise
funny stories that made everybody laugh
a very funny writer
it would have been laughable if it hadn't hurt so much
a mirthful experience
risible courtroom antics

Synonym: amusingcomicfunnylaughablemirthfulrisible

1. 滑稽的;令人发笑的
If you describe something as comical, you mean that it makes you want to laugh because it seems funny or silly.

e.g. Her expression is almost comical...
e.g. Events took a comical turn.

She raised her eyebrows comically...
The display of prehistoric monsters is comically naive.

1. 滑稽:另外,古天乐演的瘾君子,出乎意料的带着浓厚的荒谬滑稽(comical)的色彩,是值得一提. 那种荒谬间的不踏实,不就是社会上普遍对嗜毒者所引起的悲剧的其中一种感觉么?

2. comical在线翻译

2. 滑稽的:childish 幼稚的 | comical 滑稽的 | competent 能胜任的

3. 好笑的:al:national 国家的; | comical 好笑的; | physical 体力的.

4. 可笑的:colossal 巨大的 | comical 可笑的 | concave 凹面的

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Some of the proposals we considered were so absurd they were comical.(我们考虑过的建议中,有一些非常荒唐,简直算是可笑。)
The movements he made were so comical that I was hard put to it not to laugh.(他作出的动作是如此的滑稽以至于我忍不住大笑。)
It is comical to repeat the experience of a small construction contractor who was visited by an OSHA inspector.(如果我们看一段职业安全与卫生条例管理局(osha)检查员拜访小建筑承包商的经历就会觉得非常好笑。)
A segment of bird deaths in the Arctic, he explained, are strange and, in a way, even comical.(一部分北极地区鸟儿的死亡很奇怪,从另一角度看,甚至是很滑稽的,他解释道。)
The third main kind of folk tale is the comical story.(第三种主要的民间故事是滑稽故事。)
The sky morphs into comical orange and pink colors and on a clear night, the sun looks like a tasty ripe nectarine.(天空变幻成滑稽的橙色和粉色,在晴朗的夜晚,太阳看起来就像个美味的成熟油桃。)
Her expression is almost comical.(她的表情几乎有点儿滑稽。)
Their shrill arguments are boring and comical once one has learned a bit of how the world really works.(一旦一个人知道更多的关于这个世界是怎么运作的知识后,他们的狂吠就显得既讨厌又滑稽了。)
Comical in their ungainly gait, nunas are flightless fowl native to the swamps of Naboo.(努纳是一种不会飞的禽,原产于纳布沼泽,其笨拙的步态很滑稽。)
As if men wearing skirts isn't enough comical fodder, listen to this.(听到这个,男人穿裙子好像就不是那么滑稽的事情了。)
comical是什么意思 comical在线翻译 comical什么意思 comical的意思 comical的翻译 comical的解释 comical的发音 comical的同义词