英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 09:26:16



英 [kəmˈpetɪtə(r)]

美 [kəmˈpɛtɪtɚ]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 竞争者
  • 敌手
  • 对手
  • 参赛者
  • 斗争者
  • 正式比赛队员
  • 设计替代方案
  • 竞赛者
  • 比赛者


1. the contestant you hope to defeat

e.g. he had respect for his rivals
he wanted to know what the competition was doing

Synonym: rivalchallengercompetitioncontender

1. 竞争者;对手
A company's competitors are companies who are trying to sell similar goods or services to the same people.

e.g. The bank isn't performing as well as some of its competitors.

2. 选手;参赛者
A competitor is a person who takes part in a competition or contest.

e.g. Herbert Blocker of Germany, one of the oldest competitors, won the individual silver medal.

1. 竞争对手:mer) 竞争对手(Competitor) 企业本身(Company) 战略思考与战略规划 战略规划的整体架构 使命理念愿景目标战略的关系 总体战略/事业战略 战略规划的方式与实务操作三 战略分析技巧 环境因素分析 产业分析 顾客分析 竞争对手分析 公司能力分析 产品组合分析 市场组合分析 强势与弱势汇总 SWOT整合分析五 战略方案研議 战略形态

2. 对手:西方的市场营销学学者在九十年代初即提出,企业要从顾客导向转变为市场导向,必须平衡地从顾客(Cus tomer)、竞争对手(Competitor)及企业(Company)的角度考虑和分析市场营销活动及相关的决策与管理问题,此即3C's模式.

Renault's competitor PSA Peugeot Citroen is "extremely vigilant" about the risks of industrial espionage.(雷诺的竞争对手标志雪铁龙“极其警惕”工业间谍的风险。)
The girl I viewed as a competitor congratulated me on my contest results.(那个被我视为竞争对手的女孩就我取得的竞赛成绩向我表示祝贺。)
I am certain of it, especially if it's difficult for a competitor to copy.(我对此非常肯定,尤其是当竞争对手很难复制它的时候。)
In this game, you only have one starting point, one destination, and one competitor.(在这个游戏中,你只有一个起点、一个终点和一位竞争对手。)
So, no, I wouldn't say she's my competitor.(所以,我不会说她是我的竞争对手。)
Who is likely to be their main competitor?(主要竞争对手可能是谁?)
His success was beyond belief since his competitor was so experienced.(他的成功令人难以置信,因为他的对手非常有经验。)
A: They are a great competitor.(曾启山:他们是非常优秀的竞争对手。)
Subsidiary or Competitor?(子公司还是竞争者?)
Understand competitor performance gaps.(理解与竞争对手的绩效差距。)
competitor是什么意思 competitor在线翻译 competitor什么意思 competitor的意思 competitor的翻译 competitor的解释 competitor的发音 competitor的同义词