英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [slæp]

美 [slæp]




名词: slapper 过去式: slapped 过去分词: slapped 现在分词: slapping 第三人称单数: slaps

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  • 拍打声,掌击声,击拍声
  • 打击
  • 掌击声
  • 侮辱,责难
  • 拍,打,刮,掴,掌击
  • 一 巴掌,一拍,一记耳光
  • 拒绝
  • 【机】松动(声)
  • 类似拍打的声音
  • 拥抱亲吻
  • 警告,轻微的惩罚
  • 直接地
  • 啪的一下
  • 一直,径直
  • 迎面,正面地
  • 砰地,猛然地,突然地
  • 正好,恰好,恰恰
  • 掴,打,拍,拍击,拍打
  • 啪地一声放下,啪的一声关上,拍打出声
  • 随便地放置,漫不经心扔掉,随意扔放
  • 胡乱地涂,任意涂
  • 侮辱,抨击,攻击,公开指责
  • 任意对...罚款
  • 掴…耳光,用手掌打,掌击
  • 课,征
  • 对…起诉,提出(诉讼)
  • 训斥,申斥
  • 强制实行
  • 制止
  • vt. & vi. 掌击; 拍打 strike quickly with the flat part of the hand
  • vt. 制止; 镇压 force into silence or inactivity, especially rudely or unfairly, because of disapproval, annoyance, etc.
  • [C] 掌击 blow with the palm of the hand or sth flat


1. the act of smacking something
a blow delivered with an open hand

Synonym: smacksmacking

2. a blow from a flat object (as an open hand)

Synonym: smack


1. hit with something flat, like a paddle or the open hand

e.g. The impatient teacher slapped the student
a gunshot slapped him on the forehead


1. directly

e.g. he ran bang into the pole
ran slap into her

Synonym: bangslapdashsmackbolt

1. 掌掴;用巴掌拍;打…耳光
If you slap someone, you hit them with the palm of your hand.


e.g. He would push or slap her once in a while...
e.g. I slapped him hard across the face...

2. (友好地)拍(…的后背)
If you slap someone on the back, you hit them in a friendly manner on their back.


e.g. A large middle-aged lady slapped me on the back and said 'Nice to see you again.'

3. (迅速或马虎地)涂,抹,贴
If you slap something onto a surface, you put it there quickly, roughly, or carelessly.

e.g. The barman slapped the cup on to the waiting saucer.

4. (不合理或草率地)施加(赋税、禁令等)
If journalists say that the authorities slap something such as a tax or a ban on something, they think it is unreasonable or put on without careful thought.

e.g. The government slapped a ban on the export of unprocessed logs...
e.g. Thankfully the Government still hasn't discovered a way of slapping a tax on love, sunshine or air.

5. 打击;侮辱;一记耳光
If you describe something that someone does as a slap in the face, you mean that it shocks or upsets you because it shows that they do not support you or respect you.

e.g. 'The Sun' calls it a massive slap in the face for the United States government...
e.g. Britons persist in treating any pay rise of less than 5% as a slap in the face.
英国人坚持认为加薪不到 5%不啻于一种羞辱。

6. 轻微的警告;轻微的惩罚
A slap on the wrist is a warning or a punishment that is not very severe.

e.g. The fine they gave her is just more or less a slap on the wrist.

1. 拍打:当你已经改用辅助武器,或你没有辅助武器时,记住SPORTS的口诀:拍打(Slap)弹匣以确定它已装妥,再拉(Pull)拉柄并观察 (Observe)以确保枪膛无子弹,松开(Release)拉柄并轻拍(Tap)确保枪机就定位,取得瞄准图后扣下(Squeeze)板机.

2. 拍:美国人要向别人表示友好的时候,往往用手拍拍 (slap) 对方的后背. 对许多人来说,这已经成了习惯. 需要说明的是,这种习惯在美国男人当中特别普遍. 例如,在一个婚礼上,新郎的好朋友都会在他背上拍几下,以表示对他祝贺. 可是,

3. 耳光:派士(PULSE)在今后的宣传中将全面与李宝老师合作,并推出一系列推广、演示活动. ◎2000年加入耳光(slap)乐队任鼓手. ◎2004年加入北京麒麟童唱片公司(kkp)旗下羽化乐队任鼓手.

4. 打:2.当你已经改用辅助武器,或你没有辅助武器时,记住SPORTS的口诀:拍打(Slap)弹匣以确定它已装妥,再拉(Pull)拉柄并观察(Observe)以确保枪膛无子弹,松开(Release)拉柄并轻拍(Tap)确保枪机就定位,取得瞄准图後扣下(Squeeze)板机.

5. slap

5. slap:slitting line assembly program; 配刀软件

6. slap:subscriber line access protocol; 用户线路接入协议

7. slap:stand – alone lightweight directory access protocol; 独立小型名录访问协议

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  • 经典引文

    拍打 strike against or at (sth)
    slap against〔at〕 sth

    The waves slapped against the boat.


    Rain slapped at the window.


    He slapped at the fly with a folded newspaper.


1. slap down : 粗暴地禁止, 镇压;

2. slap together : 草草拼凑;

3. slap around : 打击, 粗暴地对待;

  • She slapped the naughty child.
  • If you touch me again I'll slap your face!
  • They were vigorously slapping and pounding wet clothes.
  • They slapped the workers who had gone on strike.
  • I gave the scoundrel a slap in the face.
  • We got a slap on the back for staying late at work.
用作动词 (v.)
  • He pushed his way through the tangled twigs with many a slap in the eye.

  • He heard the dry slap of her feet behind him.

    出自:P. Marshall
  • Martha gave him a playful slap on the hand.

    出自:P. Ackroyd
  • Her palm itched to slap the smug sallow face.

    出自:A. Seton
  • He would slap me on the back and shout, 'We'll sell it by the million!'

    出自:R. Dahl
  • The men started shaking with laughter, slapping their knees.

    出自:D. Profumo
  • He..ran slap into a rozzer.

    出自:M. Dickens
  • The bottle was slap in the middle of the table.

    出自:R. H. Morrieson
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • slap的基本意思是用掌或类似物突然猛烈地击打某人或某物,引申可表示“制止”“镇压”某人或某行动。
  • slap多用作及物动词,表示拍打某人身体的某处时,可直接接身体的某一部分作宾语,也可接“某人+on+the+表示身体某一部分的名词”结构。
  • slap有时也可用作不及物动词,常与介词against或at连用。
  • slap的过去式和过去分词均为slapped。
slap, clap
  • 这组词均可表示“拍击手掌”。其区别在于:clap是鼓掌喝彩; 而slap是用手打某人一记耳光,以示惩罚。
  • 相关列句
    Her ex-husband used to slap her around.(她的前夫过去动不动就打她。)
    The stinging slap almost caught his face.(这狠狠的一巴掌差点打在他的脸上。)
    That felt like a slap in the face, she said.(她说,那感觉就像挨了一个耳光。)
    He would push or slap her once in a while.(他时不时地推搡她,或是打她耳光。)
    Their apartment is slap bang in the middle of town.(他们住的公寓恰巧在全城的中心。)
    So if there is a heat wave this summer, it would be best for us, too, to slip on a shirt, use sunscreen and slap on a hat.(所以,如果今年夏天有热浪来袭,我们最好也穿上衬衫,涂上防晒霜,戴上帽子。)
    In another experiment, they put a rabbit in the other room and the chimpanzee would slap the lever repeatedly to make the rabbit scream in pain and jump.(在另一个实验里,他们在另一个房间放一只兔子,而黑猩猩会不停地拍杠杆,让兔子痛得上跳下窜,大声尖叫。)
    His cheek tingled from the slap.(他的脸因挨了耳光而感到火辣辣的。)
    Turkey is reluctant to slap sanctions on Iran.(土耳其不愿对伊朗进行制裁。)
    The good news is that a combination of sunscreen and covering up can reduce melanoma rates, as shown by Australian figures from their slip slop slap campaign.(好消息是,防晒霜和遮盖物的结合可以降低黑色素瘤的发病率,这一数据来自澳大利亚的slipslopslap运动。)
    slap是什么意思 slap在线翻译 slap什么意思 slap的意思 slap的翻译 slap的解释 slap的发音 slap的同义词