英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [kəm'pleɪsns]

美 [kəmˈplesəns]


  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself

e.g. his complacency was absolutely disgusting

Synonym: complacencyself-complacencyself-satisfaction

1. complacence

1. 自得:compiler language 编辑者语言 | complacence 自得 | complacency 自满

2. complacence的翻译

2. 自满, 沾沾自喜; 满足, 满意 (名):compile 编译; 汇编; 编辑 (动) | complacence 自满, 沾沾自喜; 满足, 满意 (名) | complacency 满足; 安心 (名)

3. 自满 自鸣得意:compile编辑 编制 搜索 汇编 | complacence 自满 自鸣得意 | complaint 主诉 抱怨

4. 满足. 自满:complaisance 顺应性,顺从 | complacence 满足. 自满 | compliant 顺从的,顺应的

What you’re hearing is the voice of complacence.(你听到的是沾沾自喜的声音。)
I argue that it is complacence.(我认为自满,就是心之凶德。)
She made no further progress because of complacence.(由于自满,她没有取得进一步进展。)
Many people, even in high office, rest in the balmy complacence of assurance that science can solve everything.(许多人,甚至高级官员停留在沉醉于自信科学能解决任何问题。)
Men of complacence are obstinate and consider they always right.(这种人他们自以为是,刚愎自用。)
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