英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-12-16 10:45:18



英 [kəmˈplekʃn]

美 [kəmˈplɛkʃən]


形容词: complexional

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  • [C]肤色,面色 natural color and appearance of the skin of the face
  • [S]局面,形势 general character or aspect of sth



1. (obsolete) a combination of elements (of dryness and warmth or of the four humors) that was once believed to determine a person's health and temperament

2. texture and appearance of the skin of the face

3. the coloring of a person's face

Synonym: skin colorskin colour

4. a point of view or general attitude or inclination

e.g. he altered the complexion of his times
a liberal political complexion

5. a combination that results from coupling or interlinking

e.g. diphthongs are complexions of vowels


1. give a certain color to

e.g. The setting sun complexioned the hills

1. 肤色;面色
When you refer to someone's complexion, you are referring to the natural colour or condition of the skin on their face.


e.g. She had short brown hair and a pale complexion.
e.g. ...those with acne or oily complexions.

2. 性质;特性
The complexion of something is its general nature or character.

e.g. Every time the political complexion of the government changed, so did the defence policy...
e.g. But surely this puts a different complexion on things.

1. 面色:)不过在面色(complexion)这个字中,x转换成76. 慢慢念这个字,你就知道为什么. 至于字母q,它永远发k的音,所以转换成7. 一旦学会了一种外语,便可通过类比给学习下一种外语增加便利条件,也就是说,可以找出它们的相似和共同之处,

2. complexion在线翻译

2. 气色:富含保养成分的新型底妆,因添加玻尿酸、维他命等讨好肤况的养分,边上妆边餵补营养,吃饱喝足的肌肤,气色(complexion)与持妆度自然大幅提升,使妆感长时间持妆不走位崩塌.

3. 皮肤,形势,外观:complex 复杂,错综的 | complexion 皮肤,形势,外观 | complicate 使复杂

4. complexion是什么意思

4. 脸色:complex variable 复合变量 | complexion 脸色 | complexity 复杂性

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • She has a beautiful complexion.
  • My resignation puts a different complexion on things.
用作名词 (n.)
  • What you say puts a very different complexion on the matter.

    出自:G. B. Shaw
  • People of varying political complexion.

    出自:L. Woolf
She was rather fat, and her complexion was spotty.(她相当胖,脸上有斑。)
Keeping your body healthy may help you maintain a fresh complexion.(身体健康的外在表现便是气色清新。)
Not unlike Osama in complexion and "otherness", Obama dazzles.(奥巴马万众瞩目,在肤色上和“其他方面”不像欧萨玛。)
This mask leaves your complexion feeling soft and supple.(这种面膜使你的皮肤变得柔软娇嫩。)
She has a poor complexion and pockmarks on her forehead.(她面色不佳,额头上有一些麻子。)
My complexion remained pale and pasty.(我的脸色依旧苍白憔悴。)
That color suits your complexion.(那颜色适合你的肤色。)
Its complexion changed from red, to orange, to gold, to impassive yellow.(从火红、到橘红、到金色、再到清冷的浅黄,其容颜都在不断更易。)
She had short brown hair and a pale complexion.(她留棕色短发,面色苍白。)
Sometimes, a word here or shift there can change the entire complexion of the content.(有时候,一字一句的改变可能会影响整篇文章的核心思想。)
complexion是什么意思 complexion在线翻译 complexion什么意思 complexion的意思 complexion的翻译 complexion的解释 complexion的发音 complexion的同义词