英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:09:03



英 [kənˈsentrɪk]

美 [kənˈsɛntrɪk]


副词: concentrically 异体字: concentrical 名词: concentricity

  • 英英释义

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1. having a common center

e.g. concentric rings

Synonym: concentricalhomocentric

1. (圆等)同心的
Concentric circles or rings have the same centre.

e.g. On a blackboard, he drew five concentric circles.

1. concentric的翻译

1. 同心:3.同心(Concentric)多元化,指以企业原有能力为基础的多元化. 4.混合型(Conglomerate)多元化,指向不相关的多种行业发展. 安索夫认为,同心型比混合型多元化,能有较大的获利性和较低的风险性.

2. 同心圓:同心圆(concentric): 开(ON)或同心圆(concentric): 关(OFF)按退出(EXIT)按键离开公差设定菜单. 此时将显示在同心圆公差范围内笛卡尔系统中信号按退出(EXIT)按键以离开公差设定菜单. 此时将显示在矩形公差范围内笛卡尔系统中信号该分辨率设置适用于所有的显示模式.

3. 同轴的,同心的:CON controller 控制器 | Concentric 同轴的,同心的 | Concert 音乐厅效果

4. 同心的:concentration polarization 浓差极化 | concentric 同心的 | concentric cable 同轴电缆

  • 经典引文

  • The concentric Revolutions of the Planets about the Sun.

    出自:R. Bentley
  • A concentric castle broke away from the old pattern of linear defence..and instead had a system of enclosed squares.

    出自:P. Warner
They sit cross legged, in concentric circles... like growth rings in a tree.(他们交叉着腿坐成一个个同心圆…就像树上的年轮。)
Bone growth in reptiles is periodic in nature, producing a series of concentric rings in the bone, not unlike the growth rings of a tree.(爬行动物的骨骼生长在本质上是周期性的,在骨头上产生一系列的同心圆,就像树木的年轮一样。)
Dr Yabe's trick is to use relatively small Fresnel lenses-transparent and relatively thin planar lenses made up of concentric rings of prisms.(Yabe博士的诀窍是使用比较小的菲涅尔透镜——棱镜同心环构成的透明较薄的平面透镜。)
Think of this process as a series of concentric circles beginning with our own individual, spiritual awareness as the innermost circle.(可以将这一过程看做一组同心圆,最内层即是每个人独特的精神认知。)
The cultures are represented by concentric rings, and the emotions are represented by slices of the circle.(同心圆代表不同的文化,而小方片代表了不同的情绪。)
His verdict, arrived at after he scoured over 10, 000 points on the microwave maps, is that Dr Penrose's concentric circles are real.(在去除微波地图上面的超过10000个点之后,他得出彭罗斯博士的同心圆是真实存在的结论。)
Each half-circle is offset by computed x and y coordinates in order to ensure that they are concentric.(根据算出的x和y坐标,各半圆将偏移以保证同心。)
The Earth's axis points toward Polaris, the North Star, near the center of the concentric trails.(地轴指向北极星,在这一圈同心圆中心附近。)
Their home was made up of concentric islands separated by wide moats and linked by a canal that penetrated to the center.(他们的家园由同心岛屿构成,用宽阔的护城河隔开,并通过一条贯穿至中心的运河相互联系。)
Women tended to enter in one corner and search in concentric circles or lines.(而女人则更倾向于从一个角落开始,然后以此为圆心向外扩张,或者直线向前。)
concentric是什么意思 concentric在线翻译 concentric什么意思 concentric的意思 concentric的翻译 concentric的解释 concentric的发音 concentric的同义词