英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [kəˈri:n]

美 [kəˈrin]



名词: careener 过去式: careened 过去分词: careened 现在分词: careening 第三人称单数: careens

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1. pitching dangerously to one side

Synonym: rockswaytilt


1. move sideways or in an unsteady way

e.g. The ship careened out of control

Synonym: wobbleshifttilt

2. walk as if unable to control one's movements

e.g. The drunken man staggered into the room

Synonym: staggerreelkeellurchswag

1. (失控地)疾驶,猛冲
To careen somewhere means to rush forward in an uncontrollable way.


e.g. He stood to one side as they careened past him...
e.g. The truck sways wildly, careening down narrow mountain roads.

1. careen的近义词

1. 船身倾侧检修:223 基点 cardinal points | 224 船身倾侧检修 careen | 225 车辆渡船 car ferry

2. 倾斜:care 注意 | careen 倾斜 | careenage 倾船修理厂

3. careen

3. (使)倾侧:derelict弃船 | careen(使)倾侧 | roll颠簸

4. careen

4. 使船倾斜使船倾斜:careen 使船倾斜 | careen 使船倾斜使船倾斜 | careen 使倾斜

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Mammy been usin' a rag in a dish of hawg fat fer a light fer nussin' Miss Careen an' Miss Suellen.(嬷嬷晚上看护卡琳小姐和苏伦小姐,是拿根破布条放在一碟子油里点着呢。)
Illinois seems to careen from one crisis to the next.(看起来伊利诺斯州正从一个危机进入到下一个危机中去。)
The market can still careen lower, he warns, but Winters calls this a "great time to be an investor."(温特斯警告说市场仍可能继续小幅下挫,但他说此时正是“投资者大展拳脚的好时候”。)
The driver lost control and the car careen down the hill.(因司机失控,那辆汽车就横冲直撞地冲下山去。)
Their ship was put into port to careen and refit.(他们的轮船被送入港口倾侧待修。)
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