英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 09:26:30



英 [kənˈkʌʃn]

美 [kənˈkʌʃən]


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形容词: concussive 副词: concussively

  • 英英释义

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1. any violent blow

2. injury to the brain caused by a blow
usually resulting in loss of consciousness

1. 脑震荡
If you suffer concussion after a blow to your head, you lose consciousness or feel sick or confused.

e.g. Nicky was rushed to hospital with concussion...
e.g. She fell off a horse and suffered a concussion.

1. 脑震荡:脑震荡(concussion)是头部创伤后暂时性意识丧失. 其发生可能与中脑旋转所致网状系统一过性功能障碍有关. 一般无明显的结构变化. 必须指出的是,临床医生单凭症状作脑震荡的诊断须相当慎重. 不少有脑震荡脑史的患者,

2. 震荡伤:部伤、胸背部伤、腹腰部伤、骨盆伤、脊柱脊髓伤和四肢伤等.创伤分类按皮肤的完整性分为: 闭合伤closed injury:皮肤保持完整无开放性伤口者.如挫伤(contusion)挤压伤(crush injury) 、扭伤(sprain)、震荡伤(concussion)、闭合性骨折和闭合

3. 振荡,振动:concurrent 同时的,并行的 | concussion 振荡,振动 | concussor 振荡按摩器

  • 经典引文

  • The ocean rose and fell with prolonged concussions.

    出自:R. Bradbury
  • The ground shook constantly from the concussion of heavy explosives.

    出自:C. Ryan
If this is a concussion, why is it taking so long?(如果只是脑震荡,干嘛要花这么长时间诊断?)
He was carried off the field with slight concussion.(他因轻微脑震荡给抬离了现场。)
Torn muscles, concussion, broken bones - these boys don't stop unless they can't physically continue.(肌肉撕裂,脑震荡,骨折——这些人除非他们身体不能继续下去,否则将永不停止。)
Nothing wrong, and I was right. Not even a concussion. I asked if I could.(我告诉他们我没事,一切都很好,甚至没有受到任何撞击。)
He had suffered a mild concussion in a scrap for a loose ball.(在一次争球引起的打架中他被打成轻度脑震荡。)
Cher: If it's a concussion, you have to keep her conscious, okay. Ask her questions.(切尔:如果是脑震荡,你一定要她保持意识,好么?问她问题。)
Concussion is a common injury in contact sports.(脑震荡是一种常见的运动损伤。)
Some concussion patients have experienced loss of memory, trouble thinking and feelings of anxiety.(有些脑震荡患者会发生失忆、思维混乱或感觉焦虑。)
At the hospital they told him he had a concussion, and to get some rest.(在医院,医生告诉他,他得了脑震荡,需要休息。)
They both expected the doctor to come back and say Cameron had a concussion. But the doctor was gone 10 minutes, 20, then 40.(他们都希望医生过来说,只是脑震荡而已,而10分钟,20分钟,40分钟都过去了,医生还没有出来。)
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