英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:10:37


英 [ˌkɒndɪˈsendɪŋ]

美 [ˌkɑ:ndɪˈsendɪŋ]


副词: condescendingly

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1. (used of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others with condescension

Synonym: archpatronizingpatronising

1. 盛气凌人的;居高临下的
If you say that someone is condescending, you are showing your disapproval of the fact that they talk or behave in a way which shows that they think they are superior to other people.

e.g. I'm fed up with your money and your whole condescending attitude...
e.g. They can be a bit condescending.

'The practical work you did for us in Brazil was of great value,' he went on condescendingly.

1. 以恩赐态度对待的:- superior 高人一等的 | - condescending 以恩赐态度对待的 | - lighthearted 无忧无虑且快乐的


2. 谦逊的, 故意屈尊的, 有优越感的:Contemptuous 轻蔑的, 鄙视的, 瞧不起人的 | Condescending 谦逊的, 故意屈尊的, 有优越感的 | Paternal 父亲的, 似父亲的, 家长式统治的


3. 谦逊的, 故意屈尊的, 叫人欠情似的:cholerization 霍乱预防接种 | condescending 谦逊的, 故意屈尊的, 叫人欠情似的 | lorum 轴节间片

4. 谦逊的:condescendent 持优越感待人者 | condescending 谦逊的 | condescension 谦虚

The feelings that she silently conveyed were not lost on him: it was contempt infused with condescending love.(她的沉默表明并没有完全对他失望,而是一种蔑视中混和着卑微的爱。)
You may think talking down to your co-workers will build you up, but a condescending(你也许认为居高临下的和同事讲话可以建立你的威信,但是高傲的态度并不会让你看起来更强,反而会让你的同事憎恨你。)
His spirit was just so mature. He could have be arrogant and haughty and condescending and aloof, detached from the world.(他的精神世界无比成熟。他本可以很自大高傲,充满优越感,并且对人冷漠,疏离于世界。)
Motrin's ads, which many mothers considered to be condescending, quickly changed how consumers described the brand.(很多妈妈认为美林的广告给人一种居高临下的感觉,很快让很多人改变了对该公司的看法。)
I'm fed up with your money and your whole condescending attitude.(我受够了你的钱和你整个高人一等的态度。)
They have been patronizing and condescending, and they haven't even heard people out.(她说:“他们一副居高临下的态度,甚至还没有听听群众的意见。)
I patted the top of her head in the condescending way I knew irritated the hell out of her.(我以降尊纡贵的姿态拍了她的头顶,知道这会让她气得七窍生烟。)
Avoid any signs of criticisms or attack, and refrain from using language that is patronizing or condescending.(避免任何批评或抨击的痕迹,不要使用傲慢或有优越感的措辞。)
Look at that condescending smirk.(看那装腔作势的假笑。)
"You're kidding, right?" said John in a condescending tone.(“你在开玩笑吧?”约翰以一种居高临下的口气说。)
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