英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:10:57



英 [ˈkɒndɔ:(r)]

美 [ˈkɑ:ndɔ:(r)]



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1. the largest flying birds in the western hemisphere

1. 神鹰,美洲秃鹫(产于南美,以腐肉为食)
A condor is a large South American bird that eats the meat of dead animals.

1. 神鹰:为了安装皮尔金顿P.E有限公司(Pikington PE Limited)的84号神鹰(Condor)瞄准镜,修改了车长指挥塔的结构. 该瞄准镜为昼夜合一型,带有十字线投影图像装置,可为车长提供24h昼夜观察、瞄准和射击能力. 它有昼用和夜用两个独立通道,

I have in my collection a feather from a California condor-a species reduced to only 14 individuals a few years ago.(我收集的标志物中有一支加利福尼亚神鹰身上的羽毛,几年前这个飞禽种类仅剩下了十四只。)
Just like this California condor, which-though teetering on the edge of extinction-still soars near the Grand Canyon in Arizona and in the state it was named after.(就像加利福利亚秃鹫,虽然依旧翱翔于亚利桑那和加利福利亚的大峡谷附近,但已在灭绝的悬崖边摇摇欲坠。)
QUOTE : I'm reading Jin Yong's Legend of the Condor Heroes right now and I'm enjoying it (as did you).(我在读金庸的《射雕英雄传》,我也很喜欢。很多人都觉得在武侠作家中,金庸出乎其类。)
A very large vulture (Gymnogyps californianus), related to the condor of South America, found in the southern California mountains and nearly extinct.(一种很大的秃鹫(加利福尼亚神鹰鹫属),与南美洲的秃鹰有亲缘关系,发现于加利福尼亚南部山区,现已几近灭绝。)
I first saw her in the Return of the Condor Heroes. The very moment I laid my eyes on her, I was mesmerized with her beauty.(我在《神雕侠侣》里第一次看见她,就在那一刹那我的眼睛已经离不开她了,我深深迷恋于她的美丽。)
But in Condor Heroes, Yang Guo is more interested in finding love than he is in helping others.(但是在新版《神雕侠侣》里,杨过对谈恋爱的兴趣比帮助别人热心的多。)
Her famous TV series was "The Legend of Condor Heroes", she acted as Wong Yung.(她是著名电视连续剧“传奇神雕侠侣”,她担任黄容。)
A very large bird - they call it a condor - was circling in the sky.(一只很大的鸟,他们管它叫神鹰,正在天空盘旋。)
A pilot version of the new electric-therapy programme has just been tried on two condor parents who had had three chicks in the wild and appeared to have killed all three by feeding them junk.(新型电治疗措施的试点方案在一对成年秃鹫上做了试验,它们在野外生有三只雏鸟,并且似乎在给雏鸟喂食垃圾的过程中将其全部致死。)
To teach it a lesson she then bought a condor - and again when she took the cover off the cage the next morning the parrot had put paid to the intruder.(她为了教训它一下,就买了一只秃鹫——第二天拿下罩子一看,鹦鹉已经把侵入者秃鹫报销了。)
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