英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:11:35
  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 五彩纸屑
  • 糖果
  • 五彩碎纸
  • 雪花干扰
  • 糖果或糖果仿制品
  • 碎花纸


1. small pieces or streamers of colored paper that are thrown around on festive occasions (as at a wedding)

1. (婚礼上向新娘、新郎抛撒的)五彩纸屑
Confetti is small pieces of coloured paper that people throw over the bride and bridegroom at a wedding.

1. confetti

1. 糖果:Beach),糖果(Confetti)等大图片删起来都很顺利.可是在删WBMP(EMS)格式的图片时就出问题了.我照着上面说的试了好几次都没成功,还以为是我的操作有误.经过反复几次才发现了问题的所:就是第一步在用记事本创建一个文件是文件的内容不能为空白.可随便输入一个数字或者字母都行,


2. 五彩碎纸:当然你要多送一件给新郎也未尝不可. 参加婚礼的宾客,服装应求庄重但不要华丽,切忌穿戴得比一对新人还漂亮体面. 婚礼结束后,一对新人通常在宾客投掷五彩碎纸(confetti)和撒米(rice-throwing)的祝福中,出发去度蜜月(honeymoon)了

3. confetti的解释

3. 五彩纸屑:paper streamer 纸带,彩纸带 | confetti 五彩纸屑 | firework display, fireworks 焰火

4. 彩色纸屑:banner横幅(标语)旗帜 | confetti彩色纸屑 | defiance挑衅,蔑视,违抗

  • 临近词

Throwing rice and confetti at the married couple is a custom in England.(向新郎和新娘撒米和五彩碎纸是英国的习惯。)
Shredders cut paper into either strips or confetti - with the latter providing better protection from id fraud.(碎纸机能把纸撕成条状或碎屑状——后者对身份诈骗能起更好的预防作用。)
The custom of throwing confetti however, does not come from Italy.(但是扔糖果的风俗并不来自意大利。)
But while most people are looking forward to seeing William and Kate walk down the aisle, not everyone is in a mood to throw confetti.(但是尽管大部分人期待看威廉和凯特结婚,并不是每个人都有心情洒五彩纸屑。)
People shower the newly-weds with confetti.(人们向新婚夫妇撒彩色纸屑。)
You could've chopped me into confetti by now if you were in tip-top condition.(你现在这种“巅峰”状态可没法把我撕碎。)
Security is also tight in Paris, London and New York, where revelers will celebrate with confetti, music and fireworks.(巴黎、伦敦和纽约也加强戒备。狂欢的民众将以彩带、音乐和烟花来庆祝新年。)
Wall Street's hi-tech Nasdaq exchange has wheeled out its confetti machine for the first time since the credit crunch.(华尔街高科技股票聚集的纳斯达克交易所自信贷紧缩以来,首次推出五彩纸屑机庆祝新公司股票上市。)
As a final touch, let's add some confetti.(作为最后的接触,让我们添加一些糖果。)
Walking past a church one day I see him emerge from the church with a bride, and many guests throwing confetti over them.(一天,当我经过教堂时,我看见他和一位新娘款款而出,许多宾客向他们抛撒五彩纸片以示祝贺。)
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