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更新时间:2025-03-17 09:34:52
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continental shelf


1. the relatively shallow (up to 200 meters) seabed surrounding a continent

1. 大陆架
The continental shelf is the area which forms the edge of a continent, ending in a steep slope to the depths of the ocean.

continental shelf的意思

e.g. ...the deep water off the Continental Shelf.

1. continental shelf

1. 陆棚:之所以如此,主因台陆皆非1951年旧金山和约之当事方,何况钓鱼台此迄今仍无人居住之弹丸小岛、於1968年联合国机构公布发现其所接连大陆棚(continental shelf)下之油藏之前、从未受到特别注意.

2. continental shelf

2. 大陆棚:另外一个离本岛比较远的钓鱼台群岛则在台湾岛的北方,约150公里处,这些岛屿都分布在亚洲大陆棚(continental shelf)的边缘上,在台湾本岛海岸外海底斜坡约以一比十的坡度急降,在离岸约30公里处的太平洋水域海水已经深约 4000公尺

It had been assumed that the ice extended westward from the Alaskan/Canadian mountains to the very edge of the continental shelf, the flat, submerged part of the continent that extends into the ocean.(人们过去曾猜测,冰山从阿拉斯加和加拿大山脉向西延伸到大陆架的最边缘,也就是大陆架扁平的、延伸到海洋中的水下大陆那部分。)
How do people define the continental shelf?(人们怎么确定陆架的范围的?)
The scope of the continental shelf is generally date from the doldrums until the deep sea along the mainland so far.(大陆架的范围一般是从低潮算起,一直到深海中的大陆沿为止。)
Peat layer is on the continental shelf there was lush vegetation of a proof.(泥炭层是大陆架上曾经有茂盛植物的一个印证。)
Topographically, we may consider the coastal plain to be a terrestrial analog of the continental shelf.(从地形角度讲我们可以把沿岸平原看成是大陆架在陆上的类似构造。)
They can often be found on the slopes of the continental shelf, though as yet they are impossibly awkward to extract.(它们能经常在大陆架的斜坡上找到,尽管目前来看其开采难度之大令人望而却步。)
Russia, a signatory in 1997, already has used the treaty's legal authority to assert its rights to mineral riches on its continental shelf in the Arctic.(于1997年签署该条约的俄罗斯已经开始利用条约赋予的合法权力来主张其对自己部分北冰洋大陆架矿产资源的所有权。)
Instead, China insists its exclusive economic zone stretches farther east to the edge of the continental shelf near the Japanese island of Okinawa.(而是,坚持认为中国的专属经济区一直向东延伸到日本冲绳岛附近的大陆架边缘。)
This time of year, they should be foraging from the sea ice floating over the productive waters of the continental shelf.(往年这个时候,它们应该在漂浮在这片大陆架地区食物丰富的海域上的冰面上捕食。)
But there will still be rich pickings in the extended continental shelf that is up for grabs by May 13th.(但在5月13日之前,仍然是各国申请延伸大陆架、抓住这片丰富海底宝藏的最后机会。)
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