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更新时间:2024-09-19 17:56:05
If the applicant has no insurable interest to the subject matter of insurance, the insurance contract will be null and void.(保险利益决定保险合同的效力问题,投保人对保险标的不具有保险利益的,保险合同无效。)
Leading investors of the project should not become parties to a contract which might result in major project risks and interest conflicts.(项目的主要投资者不应成为可能产生重大项目风险和利益冲突的合同参与方。)
United cannot make an official move until Cole's contract expires, but their interest has been made known to the player via intermediaries.(曼联得在科尔的合同到期之后才能进行官方转会,但他们对科尔的兴趣早就大家都知道了。)
As a market contract, it reveals economic interest relationship between market factor owners and the possible actions they will take in the future.(作为一个市场性契约,它揭示了各要素所有者之间的经济利益关系和他们将来可能采取的行动。)
For example, when banks lend moneyto the firm, they insist on a formal contract stating the rate of interest andrepayment dates, perhaps placing restrictions on dividends or additionalborrowing.(例如,当银行借钱给公司,他们会要求公司提供一份声明贷款利率和还款期限的正式合同,可能还会在分红或者额外贷款中附加限制条件。)
They lose interest once the contract is signed.(在合约签好之后他们就失去兴趣了。)
But a series of financial crises made it clear in credit market non-price terms of contract can also play an important role to the equilibrium of credit market as well as interest rate.(但是,一系列的金融危机使人们逐渐认识到,信贷市场上发挥作用的不仅仅是利率,非价格机制也会对信贷市场的均衡起重要作用。)
An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made up it will not be entertained.(没有可保利益的保险是无效的,而任何根据这类合同提出索赔都不会被受理。)
Claim is an important part of the contract management, project management, especially the contractor save interest loss of the important means.(索赔既是合同管理、项目管理的重要环节,更是承包商挽回利益损失的重要手段。)
Strict definition of collateral obligation contributes to interest protection and charge equality of both parities, assuring them of contract performance.(附随义务的界定有利于保护双方的利益,均衡双方负担,保证双方当事人实现合同的目的。)
contract interest是什么意思 contract interest在线翻译 contract interest什么意思 contract interest的意思 contract interest的翻译 contract interest的解释 contract interest的发音 contract interest的同义词