英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 11:59:59



英 [kənˈvɜ:təbl]

美 [kənˈvɜ:rtəbl]



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副词: convertibly 名词: convertibility

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  • 可改变的
  • 可兑换的
  • 可转换的
  • 有摺篷的
  • 可以转换的
  • 可转化的
  • 同意义的
  • 可变换的
  • 可以自由兑换的
  • 有折篷的
  • 可折叠的
  • 改变信仰的
  • 车篷可折起的
  • 有活动摺篷的汽车
  • 活动顶篷式汽车
  • 敞篷车
  • 可改变性
  • 可变化性
  • 有活动篷的汽车
  • 可改变的事物


1. a car that has top that can be folded or removed

2. a sofa that can be converted into a bed

Synonym: sofa bed

3. a corporate security (usually bonds or preferred stock) that can be exchanged for another form of security (usually common stock)

Synonym: convertible security


1. capable of being changed in substance as if by alchemy

e.g. is lead really transmutable into gold?
ideas translatable into reality

Synonym: transformabletranslatabletransmutable

2. capable of being exchanged for or replaced by something of equal value

e.g. convertible securities

Synonym: exchangeable

3. designed to be changed from one use or form to another

e.g. a convertible sofa
a convertible coupe

1. 敞篷车;折篷汽车
A convertible is a car with a soft roof that can be folded down or removed.

e.g. Her own car is a convertible Golf.

2. (投资工具、货币等)可兑换的,可转换的
In finance, convertible investments or money can be easily exchanged for other forms of investments or money.

e.g. ...the introduction of a convertible currency.

...the convertibility of the rouble.
...rapid export growth based on currency convertibility.

1. 敞篷车:克莱斯勒集团在萨尔蒂约和托卢卡设有制造厂,生产道奇Ram皮卡和HEMI发动机(萨尔蒂约制造厂)以及克莱斯勒PT Cruiser和克莱斯勒PT Cruiser敞篷车( Convertible)(托卢卡制造厂).

2. 敞篷车款:它惊人的外表之下是绝对的力量,双门轿跑车(Coupe)在5,8秒就可轻松提速到,100公里/小时,敞篷车款(Convertible)也仅需6.2秒. 绝对一流的豪华舒适和驾驶乐趣,使BMW6系列为7系列等级的车主在豪华轿车之外提供了一个具有极大吸引力的选择.

3. 跑车:实际上,XKR 双门轿车 (Coupe) 和敞篷跑车 (Convertible) 新的铝质底盘与他们所替代的钢质底盘明显更轻、更坚固. 4.2升超动力 V8 汽车发动机 (420bhp) 使 Jaguar XKR 只需要4.9秒 (XKR Coupe) 就可以实现0至60英里/小时加速,

4. convertible:conv; 可转换的

The minute the yuan becomes fully convertible, it will join the euro as an alternative reserve currency.(人民币一实现完全浮动,就可能和欧元一样成为各国储备外汇。)
Switzerland has already chosen one version of this approach by forcing its two big banks to issue new contingent convertible (CoCo) bonds.(瑞士已经采取了类似的做法,规定其两家大银行发行新的或有可转换(CoCo)债券。)
Paul left his convertible parked in the rain with the roof open.(保罗把敞篷车停在雨中,车顶没关就离开了。)
In order to keep the currency convertible, they had to keep interest rates high to prevent people from demanding to exchange the gold.(为了保持货币的转换性,他们不得不将利率提高,以防人们向他们索求金子的兑换。)
Over time, the euro and China’s yuan (if it became convertible) could emerge as competitors.(在不久的将来,欧元和人民币(如果人民币可以自由兑换)将成为有力的竞争者。)
Own a convertible sports car.(拥有一辆敞蓬跑车。)
Is it convertible debt?(还是可转换债务?)
This time the Chinese firm could buy convertible bonds or direct equity stakes in mines.(这一回中国公司可购买可调换公司债或矿产的直接股权。)
Mister Wilson, you asked me to hold that red convertible until you made up your mind whether to buy it.(这个汽车商人说:“威尔逊先生,你要我把那辆红色敞篷车先留一下,等你作出决定究竟买不买。)
You need to understand all these terms and also the difference between convertible notes and equity.(你能理解所有的条款,并知晓可转换票据和股票间的区别。)
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