英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 12:01:00

cool down

英 [ku:l daun]

美 [kul daʊn]

冷却; 使变凉; 使缓和; 平静下来
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1. loose heat

e.g. The air cooled considerably after the thunderstorm

Synonym: coolchill

2. lose intensity

e.g. His enthusiasm cooled considerably

Synonym: coolcool off

3. make cool or cooler

e.g. Chill the food

Synonym: coolchill

1. -> see cool 5

2. (使)冷静;(使)镇定
If someone cools down or if you cool them down, they become less angry than they were.

cool down的翻译

e.g. He has had time to cool down and look at what happened more objectively...
e.g. First McNeil had to cool down the volatile Australian 20-year old.

1. cool down

1. 冷静下来:大家想想国内各种强势者对某一东东吹得神乎其神,很多人头脑一发热就买了,之后冷静下来(cool down)发觉上当或不好,也只好自认倒霉了. 很多中国皮包公司不都是靠这个发财?我想中国打法律的XX们也没少出国考察吧?怎就不懂这个国际惯例呢?

2. 緩和運動:但运动后的缓和运动(cool down)也是非常重要的;人在激烈的运动后,最遭糕的就是突然静止不动,因为在激烈运动时,血液中的肾上腺素和副肾上腺素会增加,同时血压也会上升,但在运动后,因运动强度下降,而肾上腺素和副肾上腺素却继续增加,

3. 降温:他提醒家长,运动前应为幼儿进行五分钟按摩,亦可针对运动需要活动的部位按摩;按摩前,於家长手心涂上适量润肤露,运动后亦要进行五分钟降温(Cool Down)按摩,以减低出现肌肉酸痛的机会.

Going off alone to cool down is also an effective way to refuse anger, especially if you can't think clearly.(一个人独自去冷静下来也是拒绝愤怒的有效方法,尤其是当你不能清晰思考的时候。)
The solution is to allow the flippers to cool down without drawing heat away from the rest of the turtle's body.(解决办法是让鳍肢冷却下来,而不把热量从海龟身体的其他部分带走。)
Filter the broth and let it cool down.(然后过滤汤汁让肉慢慢冷却。)
Slow the beat toward the end to cool down.(最后可以试着放慢节奏来慢慢平复下来。)
They urge the public to cool down.(他们呼吁群众冷静。)
Make sure you cool down and stretch after your run.(确保在你跑步后冷却和拉伸。)
Repeat these intervals for 10-15 minutes, then do a 10-minute walking cool down.(重复上述的间隔10-15分钟,然后步行10分钟放松一下。)
For cooler (blue or green) light, you'll tell the camera to warm things up, and in warm light, you'll tell it to cool down.(对于较冷的光源(蓝或绿色),你会让相机给照片增加暖色,而在暖光源下,你要让它给照片降温。)
Speaking of wet towels, jump in a cool shower to cool down when you've just had enough.(说到湿毛巾,你实在受不了的时候,也可以冲个冷水澡。)
This song has a nice steady beat that's good for a warm-up or cool down.(这首歌曲的节奏非常平稳,它对热身或者冷却非常好。)
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