英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 09:46:08



英 [kɒt]

美 [kɑ:t]




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  • 英英释义

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1. a small bed that folds up for storage or transport

Synonym: camp bed

2. baby bed with high sides made of slats

Synonym: crib

3. a sheath worn to protect a finger

Synonym: fingerstall

1. 婴儿床
A cot is a bed for a baby, with bars or panels round it so that the baby cannot fall out.

in AM, use 美国英语用 crib

2. (可折叠的)行军床,帆布床
A cot is a narrow bed, usually made of canvas fitted over a frame which can be folded up.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 camp bed

1. 余切:三角函数实际上是直角三角形某两个边的比值,只要角度一定,比值一定相等,初中阶段一共有四个:正切(tan),余切(cot),正弦(sin),余弦(cos)到了高中还有正割和余割.

2. cot的反义词

2. 职业导向训练:职业导向训练(COT)课程贯穿学习的全过程,对学生进行全面的职业素质培养,帮助学生从容应对职场风云. 通过职业生涯规划,就业指导讲座、模拟面试等完整的就业指导服务体系,提高学生就业技巧,为学生就业打下坚实的基础.

3. cot的反义词

3. 余切函数:您可以将它衍生自内建 Excel 函数的某些函式包括下列各项: Secant 正割) (SEC) Cosecant 余割) (CSC) 余切函数 (COT) 这些函式会分别是余弦函数 (Cosine)、 正弦函数 (Sine) 和正切函数 (Tangent) 的反函数.

4. 行军床:这支由菲律宾游击队员和10个日本军人组成的徒步旅行队到达了图帕斯. 受了摔伤或被灼伤的战俘在那里接受了治疗. 当神志不清的日本人躺在行军床(cot)上时,吉姆.库欣和他的几个游击队员在他们当中来回走动,把香烟给那些想抽烟的人.

5. cot:customer – oriented terminal; 面向用户的终端

6. cot:cathodal opening tetanus; 阴极断电搐搦

7. cot:continuity signal; 连贯信号

8. cot:computerized oral test; 计算机化口语考试

  • 经典引文

  • Poor cots are ev'n as safe as princes halls.

    出自:F. Quarles
  • She just slept on the cot in her office.

    出自:R. Jarrell
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Mothers wanting to minimize the risk of cot death should breastfeed their babies.(想降低婴儿猝死综合症机率的母亲应以母乳喂养她们的宝宝。)
The man in the other cot moved in his sleep, and his blanket fell away, exposing his back.(另一张行军床上睡着另一名战士,床单滑落,露出他的脊背。)
As the child lay sleeping in his cot, the Wolf leapt in through the window; his eyes fixed firmly upon the boy.(就在孩子躺在摇篮里睡觉的时候,狼从窗户跳了进来,眼睛紧盯着熟睡的男孩。)
On the other side of the room was an empty cot.(病房的另一头,放着一张空担架床。)
He had a sleeping bag and cot that he was going to set up, but changed his mind.(他有一个睡袋和一个待支起的简易床,但他改变了想法。)
The Cot starfish is found on coral reefs in the tropical Pacific Ocean and it eats coral.(刺冠海星生活在热带太平洋的珊瑚礁上,以珊瑚为食。)
Larval CoT starfish eat phytoplankton in their first month of life, so more fertilizer in the ocean means more phytoplankton, which means more starfish, bad for the reefs.(年幼的刺冠海星在出生后的第一个月就以浮游植物为食,所以海洋中肥料越多,浮游植物就越多,也意味着海星越多,这对珊瑚礁非常不利。)
Several people lift the patient's mattress from his cot and slide it into the antiquated ambulance.(几个人将病人的褥垫从帆布床上抬起来,将它放进一辆老式的救护车。)
Each day, the child played happily in his cot while Beddgelert guarded the door of the cottage, carefully watching for the wolf.(每天,当孩子在自己的婴儿床里开心地玩耍时,贝德格勒特便守着农舍的门,小心提防着那匹狼。)
She liked going to sleep with her legs sticking through the bars of her cot.(她喜欢睡觉时把小腿伸到小床栏杆的外面。)
cot是什么意思 cot在线翻译 cot什么意思 cot的意思 cot的翻译 cot的解释 cot的发音 cot的同义词