英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 09:50:26


英 [krəˈvæt]

美 [krəˈvæt]


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1. neckwear worn in a slipknot with long ends overlapping vertically in front

1. (男用)阔领带,领巾
A cravat is a piece of folded cloth which a man wears wrapped around his neck.

1. 领巾:比如,脖子上的柔软领巾(Cravat),上衣袖口的蕾丝边和反褶袖(Cuff),荷兰式的斗状坠褶靴(Buckettopboots),带有缎带(Ribbonbow)和蔷薇花(Rosette)的裸靴.

2. cravat的反义词

2. 领带:他去就结束(over) 宇宙花钱买摩丝(cosmos),好战花钱买铜铃(bellicose),你我花钱买衣服(costume),固定花费 为宠爱(cosset),有钱人花钱买鸵鸟(ostrich),就爱花钱开玩笑(jocose) cr-系列: 老鼠系领带(cravat),母牛胆小鬼(cower),

3. 三角布绷带:crash cart 救护车 | cravat 三角布绷带 | creamometer 乳脂测定器

4. 烟囱内罩帽:craterisland 火山岛 | cravat 烟囱内罩帽 | crawl 爬行 履带式 养鱼槛

He wore blue trousers, a blue frock coat and a broad-brimmed hat, which always appeared to be new, a black cravat, a Quaker shirt, that is to say, it was dazzlingly white, but of coarse linen.(他穿一条蓝色长裤,一件蓝色骑马服,戴顶宽边帽,好象永远是新的,结一条黑领带,穿件教友派衬衫,就是说,那种白到耀眼的粗布衬衫。)
A light-haired young man, without a cravat, went from barricade to barricade, carrying pass-words.(一个白净的年轻人,没有结领带,从一个街垒到一个街垒传达口令。)
Croatia also has a place in the history of neckwear as the origin of the necktie (cravat).(作为领带(领结)的发源地,克罗地亚在领饰的历史上也有一席之地。)
You're never fully dressed without a cravat.(不打领结,就不算正装。)
I wanna know how he's wearing that cravat.(我想要知道他如何正在戴那一个领带。)
Change that cravat for this of mine, that coat for this of mine.(把你的蝴蝶结跟我的交换,上衣也跟我交换。)
I have never seen a man wearing cravat.(我从来没有见过有人戴领巾。)
"And besides," said Beauchamp, "with a collar above his cravat, an open coat and white waistcoat!"(“而且,”波尚说,“戴着大领圈,穿上一件敞胸上装和白背心。”)
She wrapped round her a long red woolen cravat, and open the door.(她围好一条红色的长呢围脖,然后打开房门。)
I love the cravat especially, it's classic gentleman.(我非常喜欢那条男式围巾,这真是经典的绅士打扮。)
cravat是什么意思 cravat在线翻译 cravat什么意思 cravat的意思 cravat的翻译 cravat的解释 cravat的发音 cravat的同义词