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更新时间:2025-03-10 12:35:42
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1. an artist who adheres to the principles of cubism


1. relating to or characteristic of cubism

e.g. cubist art

Synonym: cubistic

1. 立体派画家
A Cubist is an artist who painted in the style of Cubism.

2. 立体派的;立体主义的
Cubist art is art in the style of Cubism.

e.g. ...Picasso's seminal Cubist painting, 'The Poet'.

1. 立体派者:cubism 立体派 | cubist 立体派者 | cubit 腕尺

2. 立体派艺术家:cubist 立体派的 | cubist 立体派艺术家 | cubit 腕尺

3. 立体派艺术家 立体派的:cubism /立体派/ | cubist /立体派艺术家/立体派的/ | cubit /腕尺/

4. cubist的解释

4. 立体派的:cubism 立体派 | cubist 立体派的 | cubist 立体派艺术家

Designed for a Paris-based family with two children, the Cubist House is located in a courtyard that encloses an urban oasis, totally disconnected from the busy, greenless street outside.(这座立体派住宅是为巴黎的一个有两个孩子的家庭设计,它坐落在仿若城市绿洲的院子里,与外面没有绿意的繁忙街道完全隔离开来。)
Sometimes the artist seemed to be a cubist; sometimes not.(有时候马蒂斯看似是立体派;有时却不是。)
She can understand cubist pictures.(她能理解立体主义的画作。)
Clearly, so-called QR codes — small square patterns that look like Cubist renderings of a traditional barcode (right) — have become ubiquitous.(显而易见,这类所谓的二维码(QRcode,QuickResponsecode)现如今已随处可见,它采取小小的正方形图案,看起来就像用立体表现的传统条码。)
In both style and subject, his Cubist works became even more unrestricted.(无论从风格与绘画的对象上,他的“立体印象派”创作变得更加自由。)
Awenon Maiden "was the pioneer of cubist painting."(《亚威农少女》是立体派绘画的开山之作。)
He started off with kinematic experiments derived from the still novel cinema and used its special capability of showing successive sequences in the course of motion in a cubist or futuristic manner.(他开创了源于仍然新奇的影像的运动学试验,并以立体派或未来主义的方式运用了它独特的能表现一个运动过程的连续顺序的功能。)
The repeated cube imagery extends to the cubist painting seen in the various Mandalorian Spaces, including an epic painting done in the style of Picasso's famous Guernica.(曼达洛人各个处所层层叠叠的立方体意象一直延伸到立体派艺术家的画作里,包括一幅以毕加索名作《格尔·尼卡》风格绘制的壮丽绘画。)
Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different aspects of the object or person showing at the time.(在描绘人或物体的时候,立体派画家会同时展现对象的不同侧面。)
Picasso could paint classical portraits and yet conceive cubist representations of people.(毕加索在画出古典肖像的同时却还能构思出对人物画像的立体派表达法。)
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