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更新时间:2024-12-16 11:22:01



英 [ˈsɪnɪkl]

美 [ˈsɪnɪkəl]


副词: cynically 名词: cynicalness

  • 详情解释

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  • 愤世嫉俗的,怀疑人间有真诚善意的,认为人皆自私的
  • 冷嘲的,挖苦的,爱嘲笑人的,冷嘲热讽的,讥诮的
  • 悲观的
  • 犬儒主义的
  • 只顾自己不顾他人的
  • 见利忘义的
  • 玩世不恭的
  • 吹毛求疵的



1. believing the worst of human nature and motives
having a sneering disbelief in e.g. selflessness of others

Synonym: misanthropicmisanthropical

1. 认为世人皆自私的;愤世嫉俗的
If you describe someone as cynical, you mean they believe that people always act selfishly.

e.g. ...his cynical view of the world.

As one former customer said cynically, 'He's probably pocketed the difference!'

2. (对成功或人的真善)怀疑的,悲观的
If you are cynical about something, you do not believe that it can be successful or that the people involved are honest.

e.g. It's hard not to be cynical about reform...
e.g. It has also made me more cynical about relationships.

1. 愤世嫉俗的:愤愤不平be indignant | 愤世嫉俗的cynical | 丰富多彩rich and colorful

  • 经典引文

  • We were experts in disillusion, we had learned to be cynical about fresh starts.

    出自:R. West
  • One is led to the cynical conclusion that most had been opposed to the draft rather than to the war itself; passionately dedicated to saving their own skins.

    出自:S. Naipaul
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

That may be too cynical.(这种论调或许太过悲观。)
One diplomat cautions against being overly cynical, however.(然而,某位外交官警告不要过分悲观。)
Christmas should be a time of excitement and wonder, not a cynical marketing ploy.(圣诞节应该是激动人心的奇妙时刻,而不是自私牟利的营销计谋。)
It has not all been cynical.(欧盟也并非一直愤世嫉俗。)
You might think she’d be cynical by now.(你也许会认为她现在一定愤世嫉俗。)
It's hard not to be cynical about reform.(很难对改革不持怀疑态度。)
Straight from the cynical anonymity of a big city, we luxuriated in its happy personalism.(从大城市的愤世嫉俗的匿名性中,我们奢侈地享受其快乐的个人主义。)
It is easy to be cynical.(想要愤世嫉俗是很容易的。)
It's really as cynical as that.(这确实很愤世嫉俗。)
Why are you always so cynical?(为什么你如此的愤世嫉俗?)
cynical是什么意思 cynical在线翻译 cynical什么意思 cynical的意思 cynical的翻译 cynical的解释 cynical的发音 cynical的同义词