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英 [əˈbju:sɪv]

美 [əˈbjusɪv, -zɪv]


副词: abusively

  • 英英释义

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1. characterized by physical or psychological maltreatment

e.g. abusive punishment
argued...that foster homes are abusive

2. expressing offensive reproach

Synonym: opprobriousscurrilous

1. 虐待的;凌辱的
Someone who is abusive behaves in a cruel and violent way towards other people.

e.g. He became violent and abusive toward Ben's mother...
e.g. One in eight women lives in an abusive relationship.

2. 侮辱性的;恶言谩骂的
Abusive language is extremely rude and insulting.

e.g. He was alleged to have used abusive language.

1. abusive的反义词

1. 辱骂的:abuse 滥用 | abusive 辱骂的 | abusively 咒骂地

2. 阿婊媳妇 辱骂的:abuse 阿婊子 辱 骂 | abusive 阿婊媳妇 辱骂的 | tiro 太哦 肉 (干活慢) 新手不熟练

3. 阿媳妇...........辱骂的:abuse........阿子.............辱 骂 | abusive......阿媳妇...........辱骂的 | tiro ........太哦 肉(干活慢)......新手不熟练

4. 滥用:ramification 影响 | abusive 滥用 | penalty 损失

  • 经典引文

  • The Reproductive Imagination (or Conception, in the abusive language of the Scottish philosophers).

    出自:W. Hamilton
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Magistrates found the youth guilty of abusive behavior.(当地法官认定这个青年犯了辱骂他人罪。)
China is frequently criticised for its abusive penal system.(中国经常被批滥用刑罚制度。)
Three come from abusive households.(三个来自破碎的家庭。)
He escapes from his abusive, alcoholic father by faking his own murder and heading off on his own.(为了逃离酗酒和虐待他的父亲,哈克假造自己被谋杀,独自离家出走。)
Naturally, if the person is being abusive, protect yourself.(当然,如果这个人是在侮辱你,那就要保护自己。)
That's especially true of children who remain in abusive homes bemuse the law blindly favors biological parents.(这一点对于那些在虐待家庭中长大的孩子来说尤其如此,法律盲目偏袒他们的亲生父母让他们感到困惑。)
The mice on DHA drank much less, it curtailed their alcohol abusive behaviour.(摄入DHA后的白鼠对于酒精的依赖程度降低,这有助于抑制滥用酒精的行为。)
Terms more commonly used include abusive head trauma or inflicted traumatic brain injury.(现在更常用的术语有虐待性头部外伤或人为创伤性脑损伤。)
It should be noted that not all Borderline Personality Disorder sufferers are abusive.(应该指出的是,不是所有的边缘型人格障碍患者都会满嘴脏话。)
He became violent and abusive toward Ben's mother.(他对待本的妈妈变得粗暴而又残酷。)
abusive是什么意思 abusive在线翻译 abusive什么意思 abusive的意思 abusive的翻译 abusive的解释 abusive的发音 abusive的同义词