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英 [dəˈgerətaɪp]

美 [dəˈɡɛrəˌtaɪp]



名词: daguerreotyper 过去式: daguerreotyped 过去分词: daguerreotyped 现在分词: daguerreotyping 第三人称单数: daguerreotypes

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  • 银版照相(法)
  • 达盖尔银版法
  • 达盖尔银版照相
  • 银版照片
  • 银版照相
  • 用达盖尔银版法拍摄
  • 用银版法拍摄


1. a photograph made by an early photographic process
the image was produced on a silver plate sensitized to iodine and developed in mercury vapor


1. 银板照相法:这张照片是由路易斯-达盖尔(Louis Daguerre)采用银板照相法(Daguerreotype)拍摄的,这是最早期的一种摄影技术. 当时法国政府购买了这项摄影技术专利,然后向全世界免费推广. 这是第一带有人物的照片,虽然照片中这位男士并不是很清晰,

2. 银板照相:1839年7月,法国政府购买了银板照相(Daguerreotype)专利并将其置于公有领域. 随后,这项发明得到迅速而广泛地利用,大量的补充发明改良了银板照相技术中的化学反应过程及透镜,并且加速了在化学反应及太阳光谱分析方面的科学进步. 在美国,


3. 达盖尔式照相法:19世纪中期出现的铁板照相法,实质上是不朽式照相法的变种,后者是在玻璃板上模彷达盖尔式照相法(daguerreotype)的一种照相方法. 正如不朽式照相法的负像,由黑色的背垫使透明的阴影部分显现为黑色那样,铁板照相法的化学成像,实际上也是负像,


4. 达盖尔银版:daguerreotype 达盖尔银版 | daily output 日产量 | dalton's law 道尔顿定律

Because the daguerreotype is much more fickle and dangerous to work with, there are fewer artists making daguerreotypes.(因为达盖尔银版摄影法在制作过程中非常不稳定并且伴随这一定的危险,所以很少有艺术家去使用。)
The inventor of the daguerreotype is a French artist.(银版照相的发明者是位法国艺术家。)
The daguerreotype was a unique image that reproduced what was in front of the camera lens in minute, unselective detail and could not be duplicated.(达盖尔银版是一种独特的图像,它可以再现相机镜头前微小的、无选择性的细节,而且是不可复制的。)
What I ended up with was a colorized version of this Daguerreotype.(我最终让这张银版照相法的照片变成了彩色的。)
By 1850, there were over 70 daguerreotype studios in New York City alone.(到了1850年,仅纽约就有超过70家这样的工作室。)
Daguerre: French artist and inventor of the Daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints.(达盖尔:法国艺术家和发明家,发明了银版摄影术,能洗出照片的正画。)
Taking advantage of a relatively new technology the daguerreotype French physicists Louis fizeau and Leon foucault made the first successful photographs of the sun on april21845.(采用相对新的摄影技术——银板照相法,法国物理学家路易斯和利昂于1845年成功拍到首张太阳照片。)
The image was taken by Louis Daguerre who invented the Daguerreotype – one of the earliest methods of photography.(这张照片是由路易斯·达盖尔拍摄,他发明了银版照相法-摄影的最早方法之一。)
His discovery, the "daguerreotype," was announced in 1839.(他的发现,“银版照相法”,于1839年公布。)
Photography did indeed make certain kinds of painting obsolete — the daguerreotype virtually did away with the portrait miniature.(摄影确实使某些种类的绘画过时了——银版照相几乎使微型肖像消失了。)
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