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副词: dankly 比较级: danker 最高级: dankest 名词: dankness

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  • 潮湿的
  • 透水的
  • 阴湿的
  • 繁茂的
  • 阴冷的
  • 非常好的
  • 非常糟糕的
  • 潮湿
  • 沼泽地
  • 低湿地


1. unpleasantly cool and humid

e.g. a clammy handshake
clammy weather
a dank cellar
dank rain forests

Synonym: clammy

1. (尤指地下的洞穴等)阴湿的
A dank place, especially an underground place such as a cave, is unpleasantly damp and cold.

e.g. The kitchen was dank and cheerless.

1. 潮湿:dangerous 危险的 | dank 潮湿 | data base 数据库

2. 裆 可 阴湿的:woman 无 蛮(不野蛮) 女 人 | dank 裆 可 阴湿的 | darling 大了硬 心爱的人

3. 阴湿的:cynical#讥刺的,冷嘲热讽的 | dank#阴湿的 | dauntless#勇敢的

4. 透水的:Danite 但人 | dank 透水的 | dankish 潮湿的

  • 经典引文

  • A big Victorian house..with a dank, dripping, overgrown garden.

    出自:R. Cobb
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The pitch darkness and the dank mist made him feel more lost.(夜还很黑,空中有些湿冷的雾气,心中更觉得渺茫。)
Despite increasing mechanization, life in the cold, dank, dark interiors of a coal mine remains as tough as ever.China Daily.(尽管机动化水平在不断提升,但在阴冷,潮湿,黑暗的地下煤矿里的生活,依旧那么艰苦。)
The dark, dank cave gave me the willies.(这阴暗潮湿的山洞使我感到心惊肉跳。)
History is seen not as essential experience to be transmitted to new generations, but as abstractions that carry dank odors.(历史不是被看作留传给新一代的必不可少的经验,而是带有霉味的抽象概念。)
The air was so dank that the smoke hung heavily.(空气十分潮湿,所以烟气沉重地悬浮着。)
It described the rooms the women ate, slept and defecated in as dank and smelly.(报纸将这些女性吃、睡、排泄的屋子形容为“阴冷、臭味熏天的”。)
The stereotypical library is dying — and it's taking its shushing ladies, dank smell and endless shelves of books with it.(——传统的图书馆正在死去——连同其中多愁善感的图书馆管理员,潮湿的气味以及一排一排永无止境的书架。)
In the foreground, the Olympic Rings are etched in the mud, oozing with dank water.(前景中,奥运五环在泥沼中被侵蚀,浸泡在阴冷的水里。)
But the fragrant dank beckoned with wild garlic, wood sorrel and magnolia still tight in the bud.(但是空气中有野蒜和酢浆草的香味,玉兰花正含苞欲放。)
Dank, damp jungle conditions are bad for such injuries, trust me!(潮湿,潮湿的丛林状况不佳此种伤害,相信我!)
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