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英 [ˈfʌsti]

美 [ˈfʌsti]


副词: fustily 比较级: fustier 最高级: fustiest 名词: fustiness

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

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1. old-fashioned and out of date

Synonym: standpat(a)unprogressivenonprogressive

2. stale and unclean smelling

Synonym: mustyfrowsty

1. (想法或人)过时的,守旧的
If you describe something or someone as fusty, you disapprove of them because they are old-fashioned in attitudes or ideas.


e.g. The fusty old establishment refused to recognise the demand for popular music.

2. 发霉味的;朽霉的
A fusty place or thing has a smell that is not fresh or pleasant.


e.g. ...fusty old carpets.


1. 有霉味的;陈腐的:muster 集合, 召集, 征召, | fusty 有霉味的;陈腐的 | musty 发霉的, 有霉味的, 冷淡的

2. 旧式的:fustiness 霉臭 | fusty 旧式的 | fusuma 拉阖门

3. 有恶臭的:fusion cake 熔块 | fusty 有恶臭的 | fuzz 起毛

4. 陈腐的 霉臭的:Fret 烦躁 焦虑 | Furor 轰动 盛怒 | Fusty 陈腐的 霉臭的

  • 经典引文

  • The smell of the chapelsearthy, odorous from wood, wax, fusty books.

    出自:C. P. Snow
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

We want to clear away all these fusty ideas about education and bring in some up-to-date methods.(我们要清除所有这些过时的教育观念,引进一些现代的教育方法。)
Hemming began her Bond stint on 1995's GoldenEye with the radical move of easing Pierce Brosnan out of his predecessors' fusty Savile Row wardrobe and into bespoke by Brioni.(从1995年的《黄金眼》开始,海明把皮尔斯·布鲁斯南从他先前装满古板的萨维尔街高级西服的大衣柜里解放出来,转而采用布里翁尼的定制服对他进行装扮。)
Now I'm standing (albeit slightly stooped) in her fusty-smelling attic apartment.(现在我站在(尽管微微地弯着腰)她有腐臭味的阁楼间里。)
The fusty old establishment refused to recognise the demand for popular music.(这一古板的老旧机构拒绝承认人们对流行音乐的需求。。)
This, his third gardening book, is also his first in 25 years, but little here feels fusty or irrelevant.(这是他出的第三本书,上次出书还是25年前。但是书中几乎没有过时和离题的内容。)
This blanket smells a bit fusty.(这毯子有点儿发霉的味儿。)
Venerable but not fusty, privileged but not showy, secure its sense of excellence, but not arrogant, Oxford is, in a word, civilized.(古老却不陈腐,尊贵却不卖弄,确信自身的优越却不傲慢,简而言之,牛津是一处为文明所熏陶之地。)
Tired of fusty old outposts such as Bangladesh, Nigeria or Mongolia?(厌倦了孟加拉国、尼日利亚和蒙古这样落后的边远小国?)
The fusty old establishment refused to recognize the demand for popular music.(古板、迂腐的当权派拒绝承认对流行乐的需求。)
His fusty works is a kind of rotten beauty, or a kind of beauty of death, but the sticky fur works is a kind of horrific beauty.(他霉烂的作品为一种恶臭的美,或是一种死亡的美,而粘毛的作品是一种恐怖的美。)
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