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更新时间:2025-03-17 09:58:28

day in, day out


Day in, day out, all I ever do is work.(一天又一天,我每天都在工作。)
Windpower will never, of course, replace the day-in-day-out reliability of nuclear or other thermal forms of electricity generation.(当然,风能不可能取代日复一日的都比较可靠的核能或其它形式的热能发电。)
Stuck with her grandchild day in, day out while her offspring pursued their busy lives.(她一直和孙女住一起,但是当她的子孙开始追求自己的生活的时候,这些日子不再有了。)
Same things, same people, day in, day out.(每天都是同样的事,同样的人。)
Day in and day out, the flat crack of the tank guns reverberates through the little Bavarian town.(日复一日地,单调的坦克炮的轰隆声在巴伐利亚的这个小镇上空回响着。)
Referees need to know the game cold, and climate change demands day-in, day-out experience from dedicated reporters.(裁判需要透彻地了解游戏,而气候变化需要记者日复一日地专注其中。)
You are constantly bombarded by evil-day in, day out. Your soul reels under evil's impact.(你日以继夜受着罪恶不停的攻击,你的心在罪恶的影响之下旋转。)
It is a reminder that in every office a group of people are stuck together for an improbably large number of hours, day in, day out.(需要提醒的是,在每间办公室,都有一群人日复一日地困在一起,时间长得令人无法想象。)
These aren't alien concepts to any of us. Indeed, they are characteristics demonstrated day in, day out by the British Chinese community.(这些对我们来说都不是陌生的概念。事实上,英国华人社区里的人们无时不刻都表现出这些好品质!)
To this will beadded real-time data relayed from the satellite-navigation systems in thousandsof vehicles—mostly lorries, taxis and delivery trucks—that pound along theseroads day in, day out.(此外,道路上昼夜行驶的成千上万车辆——主要是卡车、出租车及货车——所安装的卫星导航仪也将实时为该系统提供路况。)
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