英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [dɔ:nt]

美 [dɔnt, dɑnt]

vt.使 ... 胆怯;恐吓

副词: dauntingly 名词: daunter 过去式: daunted 过去分词: daunted 现在分词: daunting 第三人称单数: daunts

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  • 使气馁,使泄气,使失去信心
  • 使胆怯,使害怕,使畏缩,恐吓,威吓,吓倒,威胁
  • 难倒
  • vt. 使胆怯;使气馁;使失去信心 make sb feel nervous and less confident of doing sth


1. cause to lose courage

e.g. dashed by the refusal

Synonym: dashscare offpallfrighten offscare awayfrighten awayscare

1. 使胆怯;使气馁
If something daunts you, it makes you feel slightly afraid or worried about dealing with it.

e.g. ...a gruelling journey that would have daunted a woman half her age...
e.g. I'm somewhat daunted by the size of the task.

It is hard to pick up such a book and not to feel a little daunted.

1. daunt什么意思

1. 恐吓:五个阿姨(vaunt)在一起吹牛,还打了不会飞的阿姨,恐吓(daunt)她,阿姨在闲逛(saunter) 时到处乱看,有人趁其不备,踢阿姨,嘲弄(taunt)她,把她踢死了,后来在一个月黑风高的夜里,有人看到阿姨一个人在家里走来走去,那是阿姨常去的地方,


2. 威吓:dauernarkose 持续麻醉法持续麻醉法 | daunt 威吓 | dawn insomnia 黎明失眠症黎明失眠症

3. 恐吓,威胁:jaunt 短途旅行 | daunt 恐吓,威胁 | saunter 闲逛,四处逛

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

    无所畏惧;毫不气馁confident about sth difficult you have to do
  • Danger did not daunt the hero.
  • 1
  • He was not to be daunted by the most gigantic word in the dictionary.
  • She was not at all daunted by the size of the problem.
  • He was daunted by the high quality of work they expected.
  • I had felt a little daunted by the extreme modishness of her clothes and by her poise.

    出自:W. Plomer
  • Such barriers to religion, which daunt those not brought up to them.

    出自:R. Macaulay
  • 词义讲解

daunt, appal, dismay, horrify
  • 这组词的共同意思是“引起惊恐、忧郁或使丧失勇气”。其区别在于:dismay指因前景令人沮丧或对某事束手无策,而失去继续干某事的力量; appal指足以把人吓瘫的恐惧,也指遇到无法改变的、使人惊愕的事或物所表现出的无能为力; daunt强调试图干大胆的事,但被威胁或压制,因而停止或退却; 而horrify指见到令人毛骨悚然的东西时的一种恐惧和发抖的反应,也可指失去尊严所引起的暂时的厌恶感。
    • 近义词

    • 临近词

    When I stayed in a corner and was so scared, a friend of mine came to me, and said: in this world, nothing can daunt us, in addition to our own.(当我呆在一个角落里,很害怕,我的一个朋友来找我,说:在这个世界上,没有什么能难倒我们,除了我们自己。)
    Unexpectedly one burst shot, the dark night knight was subjected to a daunt, fiercely reign I assault since then.(竟然出了一个爆击,暗夜骑士受到了重击,猛地朝我冲锋而来。)
    Neither the Anakim nor fenced cities need daunt or abash you.(不论亚衲人,不论坚固城,都不足以威吓你。)
    Danger didn't daunt the hero.(危险并没有吓住那英雄。)
    The song's success would daunt Young for the next three decades, and he has purposely omitted it from live sets since.(这首歌曲的成功使得扬有些退避,自此之后他故意在现场唱片忽略这首歌曲。)
    Don't let opposition from those envious of your talents daunt your progress.(本周水瓶不要让那些嫉妒你才能的人影响了你的计划。)
    Benjamin: : Really? Who would have the power to daunt our hero?(本杰明:真的吗?是谁居然能打倒我们的英雄??)
    A greater natural calamity cannot daunt us.(再大的自然灾害也不能吓坏我们。)
    If each of us can give a little bit of love, then what difficulty can daunt us?(如果我们每个人都能献出一点点爱心,那么还有什么困难能难倒我们呢?)
    Daunt added that Waterstone's e-reader project was "well down the planning line".(道特补充道水石的电子书阅读器计划是计划中的一部分。)
    daunt是什么意思 daunt在线翻译 daunt什么意思 daunt的意思 daunt的翻译 daunt的解释 daunt的发音 daunt的同义词