英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [dɪˈbentʃə(r)]

美 [dɪˈbɛntʃɚ]



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  • 退税证明书
  • 债券
  • 公司债券
  • 退税凭单
  • 股票
  • 无担保品债券
  • 信用债券


1. a certificate or voucher acknowledging a debt

2. the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future

Synonym: unsecured bonddebenture bond

1. (通常由公司或政府部门发行的)债券
A debenture is a type of savings bond which offers a fixed rate of interest over a long period. Debentures are usually issued by a company or a government agency.

1. 公司债券:该案中当事人之一的债务公司于1866年发行了以其公司全部财产(undertaking)为担保客体的公司债券(debenture). 上诉法院认为:当公司后来清算时,上述担保变成为公司拥有的资产之上的特定担保,因此债券持有人居于一般债权人之前优先受偿.

2. 信用债券:信用债券(Debenture) 当公司发行债券时,并没有提供任何担保品来做为抵押,此种债券即为信用债券. 此种债券完全依赖公司的信用作保证,因此只有信誉良好的大公司才得以发行. 为了保障持券人的利益,通常会在其发行的信托契约(deed of trust)上,

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

  • debenture bond(无担保品的)信用债券...
  • unsecured bond无担保债券
  • mortgage按揭
  • debentures
  • debenture stock
  • debenture loan
  • debit
  • debenture trust
  • debenture paper
  • debenture audit
  • debenture bonds
  • debenture bond
  • debenture issue
  • debauchery
  • debenture share
The corporate debenture market is an important part of the financial market.(公司债券市场是金融市场的重要组成部分。)
The balance of Korea bank debenture is registered with Korea Exchange Bank represents par value.(韩国的外汇银行发行的债券,余额是以其票面记录的价值为准。)
This is in sharp contrast with some common law jurisdiction in which it is mandatory for listed debentures to appoint a trustee to protect debenture holders' interests.(这与一些普通法管辖区形成强烈对比,这些管辖区强制上市交易的公司债券指定受托人以保护债券持有人利益。)
Debenture bond. An unsecured bond is called a debenture bond; its value rest upon the general credit of the corporation.(信用债券。无担保的债券称为信用债券,它的价值取决于公司的一般信用等级。)
Debenture holders have a prior claim and accept the least risk.(债券持有人有优先索赔权,风险最小。)
What's the difference between debenture and share?(债券和股票有什么不同?)
Debenture an unsecured debt backed only by the credit worthiness of the borrower. There is no collateral, and the agreement is documented by an indenture.(公司债券无抵押债务,只依赖借方信用质量作为支持,并无抵押品,协议属于契约形式。)
Debentures includes debenture stock, bonds and any other securities of a company whether or not constituting a charge on the assets of the company.(信用债券是指公司发行的债权股证、公债和其它有价证券,不管它们是否构成公司资产抵押。)
Debenture holder has priority over ordinary shareholder.(债券持有人比普通股东享有优先权。)
Convertible Debenture Any type of debenture that can be converted into some other security.(可转换公司信用债券可转换成为其他证券的公司信用债券。)
debenture是什么意思 debenture在线翻译 debenture什么意思 debenture的意思 debenture的翻译 debenture的解释 debenture的发音 debenture的同义词