英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 12:45:03
  • 英英释义

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1. someone who is no longer alive

e.g. I wonder what the dead person would have done

Synonym: dead persondead souldeceased persondecedentdeparted


1. dead

e.g. he is deceased
our dear departed friend

Synonym: asleep(p)at peace(p)at rest(p)departedgone

1. 死者
The deceased is used to refer to a particular person or to particular people who have recently died.


e.g. The identities of the deceased have now been determined.

2. (近期)死去的,去世的
A deceased person is one who has recently died.

e.g. ...his recently deceased mother.

1. 亡:截至第一季结尾,以上全员除黑、猫、April生存,Amber、白失踪(Vanished)以外,其余均已死亡(Deceased)截至第一季结尾,以上全员除黑、猫、April生存,Amber、白失踪(Vanished)以外,其余均已死亡(Deceased)截至第一季结尾,以上全员除黑、猫、April生存,

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Therefore, the doctor for the deceased woman could be so natural for her death.(所以,那位产妇的主治医生对产妇的死亡可以视若无睹。)
Dependents of a deceased subscriber are excluded from their counts.(已故的订户抚养的家庭成员会从统计中排除。)
There doesn't seem to be any connection between the deceased.(这些死者之间毫无联系。)
For additional information about deceased taxpayers, see page 44.(有关已故纳税人的更多信息,请参见第44页。)
An ornate, reusable wooden casket is used to carry the deceased to the Resomator.(死者尸体将由一具精美的、可循环使用的木棺材运送到无烟火化设备中。)
He wore mourning for his deceased wife.(他为妻子穿孝。)
Break an egg and offer it to the deceased with some rice and rum.(打个蛋和米饭还有朗姆酒一起供奉给故人。)
So, every time I write my fiction, from time to time I think of the deceased.(所以每次写小说时,我就会想着我已经死了。)
Both boys still pine for their loving adoptive mother, recently deceased.(最近,两个孩子仍为他们敬爱的养母的不幸去世而悲伤不矣。)
The navy is notifying next of kin now that the identities of the deceased have been determined.(死者的身份已得到确认,海军正在通知其最近的家属。)
deceased是什么意思 deceased在线翻译 deceased什么意思 deceased的意思 deceased的翻译 deceased的解释 deceased的发音 deceased的同义词