英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 10:08:45



英 [dɪˈfɔ:məti]

美 [dɪˈfɔ:rməti]


名词复数: deformities

  • 英英释义

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1. an appearance that has been spoiled or is misshapen

e.g. there were distinguishing disfigurements on the suspect's back
suffering from facial disfiguration

Synonym: disfigurementdisfiguration

2. an affliction in which some part of the body is misshapen or malformed

Synonym: malformationmisshapenness

1. (身体的)畸形部位(或器官)
A deformity is a part of someone's body which is not the normal shape because of injury or illness, or because they were born this way.

e.g. ...facial deformities in babies.

2. 畸形;变形
Deformity is the condition of having a deformity.


e.g. The bones begin to grind against each other, leading to pain and deformity.

1. 变形:脸部有时也会出现毛细血管扩张的现象.皮肤局限性色素减退或色素沉着偶尔也会出现.关节病变方面,约有75%病人的关节会受到影响,发炎性反应是常见的,与类风湿性关节炎(RA)不同的是,关节变形(deformity)很少发生;类似RA的地方在于手部X-ray中有25~60%有侵蚀性病变.肌肉病变方面,

2. 残疾:该法案定义的外科程序(surgical procedure)是:为了治疗或者预防疾病(disease),伤害(injury),不适(illness),异常(disorder)或者残疾(deformity)通过手术方法进行的治疗(treatment),其中,人体组织被机械装置切割、燃烧、熏蒸,

3. 畸形:defloration 处女膜破裂;破贞 | deformity 畸形 | dental identification 牙齿鉴定

4. deformity

4. 畸形,变形:contracture 挛缩 | deformity 畸形,变形 | dislocation 脱位

  • 经典引文

  • To spy my shadow in the sun And descant on mine own deformity.

    出自:Richard III,Shakespeare
  • Beautifull Gothic architecture was engrafted on Saxon deformity.

    出自:Horace Walpole
Many experimental groups of tadpoles grow into frogs can not even deformity.(很多实验组的蝌蚪成长畸形甚至无法成蛙。)
Deformity, disease and a shortened life span become the accepted norm, the accepted belief system.(畸形、疾病和缩短的寿命成为被接受的常态、被接受的信仰系统。)
The mistakes of school and family education will lead to deformity problems in the children socialization process.(学校教育和家庭教育的失误,往往会导致儿童社会化过程中出现“畸形”问题。)
Methods Adopting local tissue of the lip bread to fill the deformity or transferring flap to correct the abnormal.(方法采用唇珠区局部组织填充或组织瓣转移方法矫正此类畸形。)
If the problem is ear deformity, Sony's over-ear, around-ear or headband-style earphones are dirt cheap and sound surprisingly good.(如果是耳部畸形,索尼的过耳,全耳或是头巾式耳机都是极其便宜而且音效特好的。)
The object of these movements is to prevent stiffness or deformity of joints.(这些活动的目的是防止关节僵硬或变形。)
Patients who have a congenital deformity should be treated differently.(对于先天畸形的患者应该采取不同的治疗方法。)
His deformity was more noticeable when he walked.(他一走路,他的残疾就更加显眼了。)
This is two common thoracic deformity.(这是两种常见的胸廓畸形。)
Background: spinal cord monitoring is now considered standard care during surgery for spinal deformity.(背景:目前人们已经把脊髓监测作为脊柱畸形手术中的标准护理。)
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