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英 [ɪˌregjəˈlærəti]

美 [ɪˌrɛɡjəˈlærɪti]


名词复数: irregularities

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 不规则的事物,不平整的东西
  • 不规则,无规律
  • 不整齐,不平整,参差不齐
  • 不正当的行为,违反规则的行为,违法行为
  • 【医】便秘
  • 【语法】不规则变化


1. behavior that breaches the rule or etiquette or custom or morality

Synonym: abnormality

2. not characterized by a fixed principle or rate
at irregular intervals

Synonym: unregularity

3. an irregular asymmetry in shape
an irregular spatial pattern

Synonym: geometrical irregularity

4. irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels
can be a symptom of intestinal obstruction or diverticulitis

Synonym: constipation


1. 不规则性:在宏伟(sublime)与优美(beautiful)两种类型之外,还有另一种风景,即画意(picturesque)风景;Uredale Price在1794年对这种画意风景进行了详细的阐述,认为它的特点是形式错综复杂,朴素粗糙(roughness),充满了变化(variation)与不规则性(irregularity).

2. (本义)不规则现象:infanticipating(本义)期望得子 | irregularity(本义)不规则现象 | knitting(本义)绒衣

  • 经典引文

  • In a rude age..crimes and irregularities are more frequent.

    出自:W. Tennant
  • There were a lot of irregularities like non-payment to teachers.

    出自:Sunday (Calcutta)
Instead of artistic curves, or grand geometry, there is an artfully designed irregularity.(它用巧妙设计的不规则代替了艺术曲线,或者美妙的几何曲线。)
And his practice is apparent irregularity.(而他的做法是明显的违法。)
The randomness and irregularity of variate-value are employed to control the randomness and irregularity of stochastic graphics.(算法中,利用变量取值的随机性和非规则性控制随机图形的随机性和非规则性;)
As a consequence of this irregularity, the Soundex is not particularly well suited to spell checking in the English language.(这种不规范的后果就是,Soundex不太适合做英语中的拼写检查。)
Three analogue method of track irregularity was introduced.(介绍了三种轨道不平顺的模拟方法。)
Since the complexity of body structure and irregularity of bone structure, thus the photoelasticity method is still playing its important role.(人体结构的复杂性,骨骼结构的不规则性决定了光测法仍将继续发挥其重要作用。)
Judges cannot permit irregularity in carrying out justice.(法官执法时不允许有不正当的行为。)
Human body injury happening in sports is a behavior of civil irregularity unless it regulates the definitive solving system.(体育伤害是一种民事违法行为,除非法律规定有明确的违法阻却抗辩事由,适用侵权行为法的一般规定。)
The appreciation is of beauty in irregularity, in lines that suggest rhythm and movement and gesture.(艺术家所欣赏的是不规则的美,是暗示着韵律、动作和姿态的线条的美。)
Adjust this setting to control the amount of irregularity in the wind.(调节设置控制风的不规则的数量。)
irregularity是什么意思 irregularity在线翻译 irregularity什么意思 irregularity的意思 irregularity的翻译 irregularity的解释 irregularity的发音 irregularity的同义词