英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [di:ˈhaɪdreɪt]

美 [diˈhaɪˌdret]


名词: dehydrator 过去式: dehydrated 过去分词: dehydrated 现在分词: dehydrating 第三人称单数: dehydrates

  • 英英释义

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1. lose water or moisture

e.g. In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly

Synonym: exsiccatedry updesiccate

2. remove water from

e.g. All this exercise and sweating has dehydrated me

Synonym: desiccate

3. preserve by removing all water and liquids from

e.g. carry dehydrated food on your camping trip

Synonym: desiccate

1. (常指为便于保存而)使(食品等)脱水,使干燥
When something such as food is dehydrated, all the water is removed from it, often in order to preserve it.


e.g. Normally specimens have to be dehydrated.

Dehydrated meals, soups and sauces contain a lot of salt.

2. (使)(身体)脱水
If you dehydrate or if something dehydrates you, you lose too much water from your body so that you feel weak or ill.


e.g. People can dehydrate in weather like this...
e.g. Alcohol quickly dehydrates your body.

Drink lots of water to avoid becoming dehydrated.
...a child who's got diarrhoea and is suffering from dehydration.

1. 脱水:脱水(DEHYDRATE)是怎么回事 脱水(DEHYDRATE) 电解质平衡 人体不能贮存水,因此必须不断地喝水来补充. 高温、人体新陈代谢以及运动消耗体内大量的水. 人体通过排汗使体温降低. 水有助于食物消化,要减少摄水量可以少吃、少活动并尽量呆在凉快的地方.

2. 脱水,使乾:degenerate 恶化,变坏 | dehydrate 脱水,使乾 | delegate 指令......为代表,委派

3. 使脱水:dehumidifyingequipment空气降湿装置 | dehydrate使脱水 | dehydrate脱水


4. 脱水物;除水:dehydrant 脱水剂 | dehydrate 脱水物;除水 | dehydratedcrude 脱水原油

  • 经典引文

  • Regular lunches..instead of dehydrated plastic steaks.

    出自:L. Gould
  • A series of rather dehydrated arguments between..intellectual types.

High concentrations of sugar will suck the microbe's vital water right through its cell wall, causing it to dehydrate.(高浓度的糖会穿过微生物的细胞壁吸取其“生命之水”,从而使其脱水。)
In this paper, a new water - absorbent resin was adopted to dehydrate alcohol.(采用新型吸水树脂对低级醇进行脱水实验。)
Runners can dehydrate very quickly in this heat.(天这样热,赛跑运动员很快会脱水。)
Squeeze the water out of the sweater. Put the cloth into the net bag then dehydrate in the wash machine.(将洗后羊绒衫内的水挤出,放入网兜在洗衣机的脱水筒中脱水。)
You may need a glass of water as the sweat could dehydrate you.(你可能需要一杯水,因为流汗会带走身体水分。)
It can also dehydrate you, leaving you tired the next day.(它也能使身体脱水,让你第二天觉得疲惫不堪。)
It's easy to dehydrate on the slopes, especially if it's warm.(这很容易脱水的山坡上,尤其是如果它的热情。)
It will clog your pores, promote blackheads, and dehydrate your skin, all of which enhance the signs of aging.(这将阻塞你的毛孔,促成黑头和皮肤脱水,所有这些都加重了皮肤老化的迹象。)
A fever can easily dehydrate the body.(发烧很容易使身体脱水。)
And the dehydrate temperatures of crystal water, zeolite water, frame water were all increased slightly.(而载银载铜后结晶水、沸石水和结构水的失去温度略有提高。)
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