英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˌdeləˈtɪəriəs]

美 [ˌdeləˈtɪriəs]


副词: deleteriously 名词: deleteriousness

  • 英英释义

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1. harmful to living things

e.g. deleterious chemical additives

Synonym: hurtfulinjurious

1. 有害的;造成损害的
Something that has a deleterious effect on something has a harmful effect on it.

e.g. Petty crime is having a deleterious effect on community life.

1. 有害的:dejected#失望的;沮丧的 | deleterious#有害的 | detrimental#有害的,有损的

2. 有害的, 有毒的:transcribe 转录 | deleterious 有害的,有毒的 | pseudoglioma 假神经胶质瘤

3. 有毒的:delete 删去 | deleterious 有毒的 | deleterious 有害的

4. (对身心)有害的:Discontinue 中止,撤销(诉讼) | Deleterious (对身心)有害的 | Cohesive 有黏着力的,内结合的

  • 经典引文

  • 'Tis pity wine should be so deleterious, For tea and coffee leave us much more serious.

  • Politics is a deleterious profession.

    出自:R. W. Emerson
Error catastrophe occurs when high mutation rates give rise to so many deleterious mutations that they make the population go extinct.(当高突变率引发众多能导致种群灭绝的有害突变时,错误突变便出现了。)
In normal seedlings the deleterious recessive genes are not expressed.(有害的隐性基因在正常菌木中不表现出来。)
These present aesthetic problems even though they may not be particularly deleterious for most water USES.(这是目前的审美问题,尽管他们可能不用水,特别是有害的大部分。)
He then relates as far as possible the charts of those persons who have had a deleterious influence in his life.(他则尽可能地联系那些在他的生命中存在有害影响的人的星盘。)
This study also suggests that resveratrol may be able to prevent the deleterious consequences of sedentary behaviors in humans.(这一研究同时表明,白藜芦醇或可以用于防治人类的久坐习惯引起的身体机能衰退。)
In fact, some experts worry that if people become too paranoid about online privacy, it could have deleterious effects.(事实上,一些专家担心,如果人们对在线隐私变得过于偏执,可能产生有害影响。)
It is also common knowledge that milk containing deleterious organisms is an unsuitable article of food.(乳品中含有有害微生物不适合食用是基本常识。)
The understanding of the transport characteristics in concrete is a key issue to mitigate the deleterious consequences.(在具体的运输特点的认识是一个关键问题,以减轻有害后果。)
The potential deleterious effect of poor nutrition on decline in physical function in older persons is unclear.(营养不良对老年人体质下降造成的潜在不良影响尚不清楚。)
We have to note that the beneficial effects in the acute setting of inflammation might turn deleterious in a chronic setting of inflammation.(我们必须注意到其在急性炎症中的有益作用可能会在慢性炎症转变为有害作用。)
deleterious是什么意思 deleterious在线翻译 deleterious什么意思 deleterious的意思 deleterious的翻译 deleterious的解释 deleterious的发音 deleterious的同义词