英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-12-16 11:33:08



英 [ˈdelɪkəsi]

美 [ˈdɛlɪkəsi]


名词复数: delicacies

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1. lightness in movement or manner

Synonym: airiness

2. the quality of being beautiful and delicate in appearance

e.g. the daintiness of her touch
the fineness of her features

Synonym: daintinessfineness

3. subtly skillful handling of a situation

Synonym: diplomacydiscreetnessfinesse

4. lack of physical strength

Synonym: fragility

5. smallness of stature

Synonym: slightness

6. refined taste

Synonym: discretion

7. something considered choice to eat

Synonym: daintygoodykickshawtreat

1. 娇美;精美;雅致;纤细
Delicacy is the quality of being easy to break or harm, and refers especially to people or things that are attractive or graceful.

e.g. ...the delicacy of a rose.
e.g. ...a country where the feminine ideal is delicacy, slimness and grace.

2. 微妙;棘手;难处理
If you say that a situation or problem is of some delicacy, you mean that it is difficult to handle and needs careful and sensitive treatment.

e.g. There is a matter of some delicacy which I would like to discuss...
e.g. He sensed the delicacy of the situation.

3. 审慎;体贴;周到
If someone handles a difficult situation with delicacy, they handle it very carefully, making sure that nobody is offended.

e.g. Both countries are behaving with rare delicacy...
e.g. He's shown considerable delicacy and tact in feeling the public mood.

4. 珍馐;佳肴
A delicacy is a rare or expensive food that is considered especially nice to eat.

e.g. Smoked salmon was considered an expensive delicacy...
e.g. We were served course after course of mouthwatering local delicacies.


1. 微妙:列文涅在意的灵敏的良好的触键根基在于上臂要感受到极端的轻,就如漂浮在空气中一般,以及没有丝毫的紧张或僵硬. 对他来说,没有音质(tone)的深度,微妙(delicacy)就毫无意义,每一个键都要触到底,手指一定要离键表面非常近.

2. 精致:在激烈的市场竞争中,精致(Delicacy)机柜依靠高品质的产品及贴心的服务与信誉赢得广大客户的肯定与支持. 公司不断引进国内外先进的生产设备及技术,并严格按照国际标准进行生产、管理,从原料到成品的每一个环节都经过严格的质检和测试,

3. 美味佳肴:美味佳肴(delicacy)一词通常是指那些使人愉悦的食物,不过,究竟怎 样的食物才算得上是美味佳肴,这似乎更多的取决于每个人的口味与感觉. 有 时,这个人喜欢的食物在另一个人眼里显得恶心甚至会触犯禁忌.

4. delicacy

4. 精密度:这样元功能在语言系统中可以梳理为下图所示的情况:图2表示,语言系统可以分为六个轴,在级阶(rank)轴上有小句与词等单位,在精密度(delicacy)轴上有语法和词汇等单位,在系统轴上有系统和结构等单位,而在元功能轴上则有人际功能、语篇功能、经验功能和逻辑功能.

  • 经典引文

  • She would play with her rings that her courtiers might note the delicacy of her hands.

    出自:J. R. Green
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Reestit mutton is a delicacy of Shetland.(茹斯蒂羊肉是设得兰群岛的美食。)
It's a situation that calls for a blend of delicacy and force.(这种情况下需要的是刚柔并济。)
The flesh of this kind of fish has exceptional delicacy.(这种鱼的肉异常鲜美。)
Fried brains is a delicacy in France.(煎脑汉堡是法国一道美餐。)
There are societies that regard worms as a delicacy because that’s how they’ve been raised.(有的地方把虫子视为美味,因为他们就是被灌输着这种意识养大的。)
That's another Spanish delicacy.(那是另一种西班牙美食。)
She handled the situation with great sensitivity and delicacy.(她慎重而周到地处理了这个情况。)
Smoked salmon was considered an expensive delicacy.(熏三文鱼被认为是一道昂贵的佳肴。)
But others who grew up eating the delicacy stopped years ago.(但几年前,另外那些吃着珍馐美食长大的人已经不吃大闸蟹了。)
The shape is carved with delicacy when the initial shape came out from a mold.(形状雕刻得很精致,最初的形状是用模具制成的。)
delicacy是什么意思 delicacy在线翻译 delicacy什么意思 delicacy的意思 delicacy的翻译 delicacy的解释 delicacy的发音 delicacy的同义词